Older Creative Loafing article about Open Carry in Atlanta

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Tennessee is open carry legal if you have a Handgun Carry Permit. The HCP is our CCW and open carry permit. I've never tried it. I'm sure it would go over fine here in my home town. Not sure how Nashville would handle it.

It would sure make carrying a service sized pistol a whole lot easier!

Any time there is a new law that relaxes gun control there is always the cry of "their will be blood running in the streets!" and "it will be just like the wild west!" regardless of the fact that whatever is being legalized is likely to be legal in numerous other states already and there is no wild west flowing in the streets. Each state seems to think it will be completely different for them, like open carry in Oklahoma and then tomorrow comes just like the day before and nothing new happens with those legally carrying their guns in the new manner or new location now legal.

Unfortunately, many times the "blood in the streets!" cries even come from "pro-2A" gun owners.

I open carry all the time in Washington. 99.5% of the population never notices, or never indicates they notice. .4% are openly supportive, or legitimately curious and ask questions. Of the remaining .1% that will react negatively - and they usually express their negative reactions by walking right up and telling me about it - 4 out of 5 of those and the most vehement of those are the concealed pistol licensed persons who just can't resist telling me they carry their gun concealed and I should too.
Try it in Atlanta,Fryer. Have your Firearms Attorney on Speed.Dial. ;)
Not until I have read and completely understand the reciprocity agreement between our states.
The author's experience is specifically in Atlanta in the 2008 time frame. He had no issues. It might very well have been due to recent training/direction that the police forces there received right after the law passed and that the training is now a distant memory.
Last time I was in downtown Atlanta I flew into Peachtree Decalb and caught the Marta downtown to the Marriott. I carried, but it was concealed.

Open carry in Tennessee is normal west of Nashville and east of Memphis. In east Tennessee, the cry, "man with a gun" would go out in a heartbeat due to the number of northern transplants (me being one of them).

There is a story, some years back, of a gun shop employee being plastered against a wall at Wally World for just exposing his concealed gun.
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