Omaha Shooting and Mental Illness

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I think doctors are afraid to report mentally defective patients to the proper authorities. If said mentally defective went into a gun shop and was turned down couldn't he then sue the doctor for defamation of character and violation of the HIPPA laws. Doctors seem to be so terrified of HIPPA that they wont disclose what truly need to be told.
Talk of screwey terminology, terminology I've seen used in the strangest places, I give you the SPORT UTILITY RIFLE.

Anyone have an idea re what such a thing might be. For myself, I wondered if they would be the firearms equivalent of the SPORT UTILITY VEHICLE, that is an overly large, poor handling, unstable device, that inefficiently used it's "fuel".
I think doctors are afraid to report mentally defective patients to the proper authorities. If said mentally defective went into a gun shop and was turned down couldn't he then sue the doctor for defamation of character and violation of the HIPPA laws. Doctors seem to be so terrified of HIPPA that they wont disclose what truly need to be told

That is really not remotely how it works or how it is supposed to work.

To place anyone's 2a rights in the hands of one person's opinion is an utter denial of due process and is completely unconstitutional. It is never the responsibility of a doctor to "report" mental illness. The process of adjudication can, after substantial due process, abridge a person's rights because of mental illness. That is a legal process, not a doctor's opinion.

And you should really be glad of that. You really don't want your doctor having that much power over your life.
Yeah mental illness and drugs seem to be a common theme in violent crimes. What the news doesn't tell America is that the people that perpitrate these horrible crimes are usually not aware of what they are doing or are seriosly messed up. THEY DO NOT REPRESENT EVERY GUN OWNER. Just like the massacre in Australia where a guy with an IQ of 60 (100 is normal, 70 gets you into special education classes in school) shot up 30 sum people with an *assault rifle*. because of the actions of one man who could probably be considered mentally handicapped Austrailian citizens are very limited in what guns they can buy. Hopefully American citizens will not make the same mistakes.

And contrary to common public belief the bomb is a more favored and effective terrorist weapon than a gun!!

Also if guns kill people how did the Romans conquer the known world???
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