One of History's Lessons....

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Dave McCracken

Moderator In Memoriam
Dec 20, 2002
As a few of you might have noticed, I took a few days off and took the family to Colonial Williamsburg.

For those living elsewhere, Williamsburg was the former capitol of VA, and the oldest part has been restored by the Rockefeller Foundation and maintained as living history. There, it's always 1774, and actor docents portraying people of the times including Patrick Henry and T. Jefferson walk the streets and haunt the buildings, telling folks how it was. It's a treat for the whole family.

And it's educational as heck. I'll illustrate....

In 1774, the Royal Governor was a Lord Dinmore, who lived in a grand house called the Palace. He kept the walls covered with swords, pistols and muskets, not trusting the armory system in times of crisis. IOW, he had lots of weapons and tons of authority.

The people's arms and ammunition were kept in the Magazine, an octagonal building 1/4 mile from the Palace. These belonged to the community and were issued at need, most freeborn folks had arms but the muskets were of standard caliber and thus ammo was interchangeable. Besides, if Father was off fighting Indians(as happened in 1774), Mother and children needed arms to protect them at home. The supplies in the Magazine included 34 TONS of powder, several cannon, and hundreds of muskets.

Since there was growing sentiment in Wiliamsburg sympathizing with Boston's plight under the blockade instituted as punishment for the Tea Party, Lord Dinmore ( A personal friend of George Washington's) set out to disarm the town and area.

Under cover of darkness, Royal Marines tried to remove the arms and powder from the Magazine.Fortunately, they were spotted,an alarm sounded,the militia assembled (all men from 16 to 60 were in it) and the Marines retreated with no shots fired.

And, the crowd that repelled the King's Troops used their personal firearms to protect their militia supplies, and their liberty. The supplies were moved to another,secret location, and events at Concord and Lexington that same week helped send Lord Dinmore fleeing to England posthaste.

In modern times, our shotguns are the spiritual descendants of the fowling piece over the fireplace, as well as the technological descendants thereof. And we are the same, descendants of those who siezed their arms to defend themselves and Liberty.

And those who forget they are our elected public servants and believe themselves to be the rightful rulers of all would like to ape Lord Dinmore and remove our abilities to resist what they deem proper for us to have. Before people can be controlled by any group or government, they HAVE to be disarmed. Once they are disarmed, they have to depend on the government for protection.

Find a survivor of the Holocaust and ask them how well that works....

Keep this in mind next time someone mentions "Sensible Gun Laws"....
glad to see you found your way back dave , hope it was a restful time:)
I went to williamsburg several years ago, it was about this time of year and it WAS Hot :fire: . too hot & humid for this ohio boy, but it was interesting.

Yes our shotguns are important for personal protection and freedom ,maybe more than a handgun.

Like o'l hank said " you can't stomp us out and you can't make us run cause were the old boys raised on SHOTGUNS" or however the refrain goes ;)
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Thanks, guys. It was pretty cool for July, we've been there in the summer before and T Jefferson's words still ring true....

"In warmer climes no man labors who can induce another to do so for him"...

And also....

"At times, the Tree of Liberty must be fertilized with the blood of patriots, and tyrants"...
Here's the funny part. The liberals/leftists where I work run around saying, "You can't trust the government! The government is planning to enslave us! The government can have you killed!" AND THENNNNNN...they say, "People shouldn't be allowed to own guns! Too many kids get killed! The government should ban guns!" let me get this straight....the government is going to kill us all, so let's turn in all our means of defending ourselves. If these people ever had an original thought in their head that wasn't read out of Mother Jones, their heads would collapse from the space vacated by that single thought coming out and leaving too much open space.
HK, obviously they did, because the Magazine is still there, and not in orbit.

SG, I ran across a female sheeple at work the other day who told me she would put her keys between her fingers to poke and scratch a felon after her body, money or car. She nearly fainted when I indicated that would just annoy him. Then I stated that she as well as the community would be much better off if she bought a gun, learned how to use it, and carried it religiously.

I have to admit her thought processes baffle me. But then, I'm no sheeple, but a professional sheepdog....
If an attacker is close enough for a woman to "scratch" at him, he is close enough to give her a face full of fist and then have his way. Distance=time=safety.
Sorry to take a tangent here.

Sir Galahad, I don't think I've ever heard a liberal say they didn't like a big, intrusive government, unless that government happens to be run by a Republican administration. If it's run by Democrats, then any and all social schemes and power grabs are just hunky dory. Personally, I detest both parties, the Democrats for obvious reasons, and the Republicans for dancing to the Democrats' tune year after year.

Back on topic.

Thanks, DMcC, for the history lesson. It helps keep things in perspective.
Well written Dave, and a good lesson or two.

Liberty demands vigilence. Not that we have armed redcoats raiding the local gunshop but we do have a responsibility as citizens, not only to act as individuals, but to band together as a community when peril is immenant.
Thanks, guys....

As for Dems and Republicans, it's enough to make a hyena vomit. Party loyalities run way ahead of the country's best interests. Lifelong Democrat, but truly a Jeffersonian one. And it's the party that's out of step, not I.

And if one dichotomizes by Liberal and Conservative instead, the Libs still want to control everything and the Conservatives already are to their best advantage.

As a Moderate, I find both positions nauseating. I'm with Libs on education, the Consies on personal freedom, and neither on economics or the environment. But this is a shotgun BB so I shan't digress further.

Rob,Amen! Duty is now a dirty word. Or, at least an underemphasized concept in public education(Close to oxymoronic) and the national thoughtstream.

But,I raised my hand at Fort Holabird 25 August 1966 and swore, on my Honor, to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and the country for which it stands. I do NOT recall any time limit on that oath, nor loopholes...
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