Online Fiction

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Just as a side note,Frugal Squirell has two writers forums.
Lots of stories about SHTF and TEOTWAWKI,survival,etc.
Good job Halffast,keep up the good work!Your story seems more
realistic than some of the others I read there.Looking forward to more!



You can't leave us hanging with that blowout revelation in Ch 50 of El Presidente ordering everyone to report to a government controlled camp.

No! You can't do it!

And I just know that that a'hole Jon is gonna show back up and cause some trouble.

Seriously though - are ya gonna finish it? If so when?
Is there a new link to Lights Out...
The one at the beginning of the thread only has thru chapter 50...
From Lights Out
Mark’s pleasure at making a perfect shot was quickly shattered when he saw his bullet exit the barrel of his rifle at a snail’s pace. The normally deadly projectile went about ten feet and then fell to the ground with the force of a spit wad.
Geeeez! I thought I was the only one that had this type of dream.

Halffast knows us Gun Culture guys pretty darn good... :D

This is one of the best reads I have had in a very long time. I have to admit...I'm hooked.

Can't wait till the next chapter!

Name change


I admit that I haven't really read your story yet, just glanced at the first page when the pdf file finished. What leaped out at me is the protagonist's first name: Mike Turner.

Now, what flashed through my mind was: Survivalist fiction--->Hero named Turner---> Turner Diaries---> "Race" fiction. In the other book, the protagonist is named Earl.

I'm not saying your book in any way resembles Andrew MacDonalds, but if I were a publisher, who has to wade through Lord knows how many manuscripts a day, If I made that connection (rightly or not), I'd think, "Aryan nutjob" and send it to the circular file. Scandal can sell books, but not when the scandal is the publishing of the book itself. Editors are like most of humanity-they want to do their jobs along the path of least resistance.

So, maybe Turner becomes Bender, or some other surname.

I hope to read and enjoy it soon!
I guess that's valid AB,

But I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by Halffast's manuscript. I know I was glad to see the hero is religious, but doesn't hammer the point into the plot. No partisan politics intrude on the story like Clancy novels. Cult survivalists, law enforcement officers and other groups are treated in a non-stereotypical manner that is refreshing. To me, this is an obvious first draft telling the story in a linear manner. But the story is by far, the best fiction of it's type I've read yet. I'm stoked to buy a copy of the book.
Halffast -when can we look for some new cahpters from you??? I have read all the ones posted and need a new fix. Thanks and keep up the good work -you have the talent I wish I had. :)
I was thinking and wouldn't Lights Out make a great TV Series? Maybe submit it to the Sci-Fi channel, FOX or the WB? Use the book as the source for the pilot movie. A series based on Americans making it in a time of no tech and all the problems that entails would be a hell of a show IMO.
Please get this thing published so I can pay you for it! What an excellent story sir! I just finished chapter 55.....more...more...more!!!

Thanks for puting this out there.

David, I'm finally in a postition to be able to read it, and I can't open them! I've got a brand new Dell with WinXP, and when I click on the first ten chapters, I get the choice of open, save etc. I click open, and....nothing. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong....
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