Oooh... Someone doesn't like Oleg's site...

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Jan 2, 2003
St. Louis, in the Don't Show Me state
I've been including a link to in my sig lines on a couple of boards... Got this today...


Well, I clicked on the other image, there is NO amonut of information, 'evidence', or anything that will ever convince me that gun owndership is a good thing. You are talking to a western european here. In some of the EU countries not even the police are armed! Consequently violent crime in the EU is just a fraction of what happens in the US and I want to keep it that way. Make guns available, and the criminals will have easier access, and as they do, more people will need them in order ot defend themselves, it is a viscious circle.

The US is totally different in mentality to the EU. Your country was built on pioneers who had to defend themselves from other pioneers and from the native americans who were trying to stop their land from being stolen from them. So there is a history of people needing to defend themselves and many americans feel that it is their inalienable right to do so. As a European, I simply don't see that, or feel it in any way shape or form. It is not appropriate to our culture and perhaps the US will one day see that it is inappropriate for theirs too. On the whole, you live in a far more violent society and the way you treat and deal with criminals is violent too, prisons being seeing as places for punishment rather than rehabilitation, the death penalty etc,etc, all things that are totally alien to the Europe of today, most memeber states having abolished the death penalty in the 1960's, and one or two later in the 19670's.

If the US had a more caring social structure, most of these problems could be solved. Crime is born of environment, lack of education, poverty and hopelessness. As homelessness is virtually unheard of in the EU, we don't have the social problems to go with it. But I don't think most US citizens would be happy to pay the 19% sales tax we pay, and almost 40% income tax in order to ensure that the less fortunate are taken care of. Most 'project' housing in the EU has been designed with ample trees, water features (ponds, canals etc) so that the 'depressed' areas are not so depressing, and all that has to be paid for.

We simply have a different way of doing things and the results speak for themselves.

You have a country I have visited many times, at least 16 times, and have lived there once for 6 months, and I like it a lot. But when push comes to shove, I am a European through and through and find some things about US culture quite alien and quite distasteful. There is a lot of talk in the US about individuals rights, about freedom and democracy, but from my perspective as a European, it is a travesty and simply not true when the richest nation on the planet cannot look after its own people, does not afford all of its citizens equality (gays in the military for example, immigration of gay partners, lack of sufficient medical care for the poor etc,etc....the list goes on) and where everything seems to be driven by profit and financial considerations. All of these rights are considered normal in the EU, and yet they are still hotly discussed and disputed within the very country that claims to be the home and defender of democracy. Interesting paradox methinks.

My two penneth worth,

You illogical sorry European so-and-so. Hopelessness with what you and yours had to offer was what made so many of us leave your Utopia.

"...a travesty...when the richest nation on the planet cannot look after its own people."

If you're sweet homeland had been better maybe more of us would have stayed there and not come here.

And lastly, if it's so bad STOP VISITING.

Okay, not lastly.

"...cannot look after its own people..."

BINGO. There's the problem. The writer thinks the Nanny State is the highest form of civilization.

Sorry, been a long day so far.

That person certainly emphasized his concern about gay rights, while embracing a 19% sales tax and 40% income tax. I suspect that my ancestors were the folks that left his ancestors and went to search for Life, Liberty, and so on......
No "homelessness in the EU?" I personally watched the staff of a London McDonald's physically throw a homeless man out of their restaurant and they didn't exhibit any of that European compassion for their fellow man that we hear so much about.
Where does that hopeless Blissninny think Americans came from. In case there any more like that one tuned in, I will tell them. The people who founded America came from WESTERN EUROPE. There were occasional settlers from other regions, but by and large, we are them.

The problem lies not with us, for we still have the intestinal fortitude to persevere and triumph against adversity. We do not roll over and blindly submit to increasingly more oppressive governments who believe the answer to every social problem is to throw money at it and raise taxes to pay for it.

Europeans who believe they are safer without the availability of guns should ask themselves why the Police are being armed at an ever increasing pace. Could it be because the criminal element there is just the same as it is here. The BGs dont give a D*** about Gun laws or restrictions on owning firearms. They are arming themselves as heavily as American BGs. The biggest difference is that Americans can still fight back.

I second the comment that those who do not like the way we do things here, stay IN EUROPE

Yep, all those gun control laws sure did clean up London! Sure it is not a central European country but still!

Another interesting thing I would LOVE to know, what percentage of criminals are caught in the EU compared to the US. I remember a stastic a few years back where we caught almost twice as many lawbreakers, therefore the need for more prisons!

Where to begin?
Crime in many EU countries is not really lower than that of the United States. The definitions of crime are twisted to lower crime statistics, while the FBI figures are worse case numbers. For instance, in England, in order for a murder to be a murder, a person must be convicted of the crime. If (s)he is plea bargained down or found to be insane, it is not a murder. Needless to say in a system like that, there is pressure to plea bargain. That way the Home Office can tell the people that few murders happened (even if we are knee deep in bodies). For the FBI numbers, any deaths are considered murders unless ruled otherwise (death certificate, etc.). I'm sure this same method applies to other crimes are well.
Second, Europe does not have a history of peace. They have a historoy of invading each other when the opportunity presents itself. There is a long history of "nobility" and clergy engaging in robbery and rape - with the law and the mechanisms of the law backing them. In an environment like that, the people need to be armed.
Third, freedom comes with responsibilities and downsides. The freedom to live life as you will and try to succeed is also the freedom to fail. It is also the freedom to use your own resourses to help others, if you so choose. If you make mistakes, it is the freedom to try to change or rehabilitate, and there are community and government resourses to help.
I am so depressed and hurt by the refusal of that uncaring person to validate my feeling on this subject. I will sue! ;)

He'll change his mind when some Congo Carl rapes his lady friend and gets away with it. I've been to Europe and its filled with old building and furners. Lots of stones left on the ground too. Maybe they should try cleaning it up some :D
Glad to see our euro trash cousin has such a keen grasp of American History;
that our God given right for self defense in the form of bearing firearms was born out of pioneers fighting each other and the need to decimate the indigenous population while we stole their land. No such history in Europe;
just decade after decade of sociopathic,
melagomaniacal, genetically defective despots claiming the devine right of kings while flinging around the lives of their subject populations like so many ragdolls in a windstorm. Oh, and let's not forget the slaughter, enslavement and or forced conversion of the European Jews which took place on an alarmingly regular basis and the residual anti-semitism that is the core of Old Europe's Iraq policy today.

Yep, those guys are truly something to marvel at and when we grow up we should wanna be just like them.:barf:
My brother still calls me a gay Marine and I've never, ever been gay. Not even once. Not that there's anything wrong with it.
What a ridiculous generalization regarding Europe this person makes. :(

I'm sitting here in Germany in Central Europe where police officers are generally armed and so is the rest of population (~30m firearms for 83m people).
And even though my guns can only protect me when I'm home, I strangely feel much safer than if I'd be in the UK, where ordinary citizens are more and more disarmed, the police is being more and more armed (the unarmed Bobby is an endangered species!), and armed crime is growing.

Europe does not consist of the UK alone and it is far from being disarmed or unarmed! :neener:
...there is NO amonut of information, 'evidence', or anything that will ever convince me that gun owndership is a good thing.
I stopped reading right there. Why bother with the rest?

By skipping the parts of the email after it is made clear that this guy just wants to yell at you and is no mood to 'discuss', I keep my blood pressure down and am able to go about my day without feeling the overwhelming urge to throttle an entire UK cricket team.

Ignoring this garbage is turning out to be a pretty positive move.


- Gabe
If you can possibly pass my reply back to him:

The sad fact is, when you Europeans talk about "American Violence", you're really talking about *black* violence. African-Americans commit more than 50% of all US murders, while making up about 15% of the population. It's not considered "polite" to talk about, but it's the truth. It's the result of past racism and systematic policies destroying black families and social instutions for literally hundreds of years, not anything genetic.

If you exclude those murders, the rest of the US has both an "overall violence rate" and a murder rate (murders regardless of weapon type) right in the middle of the pack of European counties.

So when a European blames guns and self defense for America's crime, it's just ignorant ranting. Legal self defense has a very modest downward influence on crime.

The really big PLUS in America is that we don't have a problem with rampaging murderous dictatorial lunatics savaging the entire continent once every 30 to 80 years, and sometimes at the same time. Any one of Hitler's death camps killed more people in a year than the combined murder total in the US over a *generation*...and Stalin was WORSE. If a Hitler starts to rise up here, we'll shoot him deader'n'Elvis.

And you can take any snide comments about Dubya equalling Hitler regarding the Iraq matter and stick it where the sun don't shine. We've rid Europe of FIVE major murderous dictators or dictatorial regimes in the last hundred years, and now when we're about to knock off another one, you get all prissy because it's not *Europeans* who are being gassed/murdered/tortured, so you don't give a dang. The lot of you make us sick. When the next totalitarian jerk raises his sorry head in Europe, which is inevitable because there ain't squat YOU can do about it, instead of risking our troops to deal with him we should just nuke him till him and 100 miles of surrounding geography glows in the dark.

I've seen plenty of homeless people in England. I remember pressing a pound coin into the grubby palm of an English homeless person and I didn't see anyone comming to take him away from all that.

I have a little known fact about England, this is taken from the Gaurdian (an English liberal newspaper), You are 4 times as likelt to be assulted in England than in the U.S. 4 TIMES!!!!:what: I can find the exact numbers or you can look them up somewhere. It is not surprising since no one has any guns:rolleyes: Why not beat someone up if you are bigger than they are? Why not rape a woman? Who is going to stop you?

Murder rates are higher here of course but they are still low compared to other nations like Columbia. If someone tells you that America has the highest murder rate in the world, you should bet them that it doesn't. That will either shut them up or force them into paying you some cash, either way, you win!
Obviously this Eurotrash hasn't got any friends/relatives/neighbors who lived where he does from 1936-1945. They'd be having Oktoberfests in Bristol if the 'violent Americans' didn't come pull their fat out of the fire a couple of times.

...and people wonder why we haven't built a big wall around the country yet.

Of course, I can easily play the Ugly American since my ancestors came here way long ago...actually, I'm pretty ugly for anything. At least that's what my ex tells me.

Nothing else to add. I just wish sometimes that Reims and Amsterdam were within Scud range, but that's just being mean-spirited.

Notice the Israelis aren't being petty towards us. I guess true friends are good to have, and have memories like elephants.
"In some of the EU countries not even the police are armed! Consequently violent crime in the EU is just a fraction
of what happens in the US and I want to keep it that way."

HAHAAHHAAA Now doesn't that put an interesting spin on things!

As far as cannals and ponds in the projects so the depressed aren't so depressed.....I'll supply the shovels :D
Let me think,

19% Sales Tax

40% Income Tax

A Gay Military

Gay Partners as "normal"

Liberals Everywhere

No Guns

And people that say Methinks and Penneth

After deliberating this in my mind for 1/10th a milisecond, naaa, I'll stay here in the US, tough decision though.


No wonder we crossed the ocean! :rolleyes:
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