Oooh... Someone doesn't like Oleg's site...

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Just *WHY* do people like this even bother trying to compare their nations with ours? Don't they realize that our ancestors LEFT those places, and for a damned good reason, at that?

I wonder what color the sky is in his world, anyway?
"In some of the EU countries not even the police are armed! Consequently violent crime in the EU is just a fraction

I'll go along with that. The police, such as the Gestapo, have committed a majority of the violent crimes in Europe.
I for one am very, very happy the Europeans are disarmed. I hope they stay that way.
Disarmed? In Norway we have almost the same number of guns per capita that you have in the US.
I don't consider myself unarmed. :)
And why would you prefer us unarmed? :confused:

One of the things that's so great about America is that we're free to choose pretty much whatever we like. We can choose to be successful (which is available to all) and we can choose to not be if we so desire (as that option is also available to us). We can freely choose to be evil or we can freely choose to be good. The overwhelming majority choose by their own free will to be good which makes freedom all that more meaningful and precious.
I'm sorry that I didn't make it through your entire post as my time is extraordinarily valuable. I won't critique your country as I probably don't know much about it and it seems to be working out well for you.
Many of what you claim to be a negative about America can be traced back to how we've gotten a bit away from core American values (to include, in many states, the 2nd Amendment). Seems like America may be on the upswing as many are starting to see right through the liberal elitest mindset of much of our leadership. Time will tell. Either way, there's always Texas.
Glad to see this European POS likes it there because I don't want him/her here...

I was glad to hear from the Europeans who disagree with the post. Being an ignorant American redneck, I had no idea that Germany and Norway still had the freedoms they cited.

My ancestors may have left in the early 1700's but I'm glad that some of them were from Germany and Norway!
But I don't think most US citizens would be happy to pay the 19% sales tax we pay, and almost 40% income tax in order to ensure that the less fortunate are taken care of. Most 'project' housing in the EU has been designed with ample trees, water features (ponds, canals etc) so that the 'depressed' areas are not so depressing, and all that has to be paid for.

We simply have a different way of doing things and the results speak for themselves.

No, I don't want to pay 19% sales tax and 40% income tax to benefit the less fortunate. The less fortunate are less fortunate because, for the most part, they've worked less hard than me and/or are less educated than me. "Fortune", in terms of luck, plays a small role in it. I already pay enough taxes that go to things of which I don't approve...why should I pay MORE of my money out to help people who don't want to help themselves but just want to sit around in the parks that my tax money would have built for them?

Park-like projects? Good Lord! I'm sure welfare is probably unlimited, too. No reason to go get a job when the working and productive populace supports you.

A different way of doing things? You sure do. The results speak for themselves?


If you want to stack up murder statistics of the US vs. Europe, when do you want to start? Let's be arbitrary and choose the year 1900 until now. Hmmm...several thousand murders in the US...perhaps even 10's of thousands? Don't know, but it doesn't go higher than 5 figures, I'm pretty sure. Europe? Hmmm...1900 and forward? Let's try 6 million Jews. Ooops...Europe "beat" us. Europe sure is civilized.

More results? What European country matches the US in GNP? Does the entire European continent? What country takes care of the Europeans when something goes wrong? Hmmm...I think it's the US. How many Americans flock to Europe to live permanently? How many Europeans come here? I think that those figures, even on a per capita basis, speak for themselves.
wow - another demonstration that socialist political practices results in low testosterone levels across an entire population! I'm sure oleg took that guy's ideas for what they were worth...and then went out and cleaned off his shoes...
He's right guys.
The Euros do it right.
Let's agree, Europe is a safer and more placid place that we have here.

That is.....
If you over look the War to End All Wars
And the one that followed the War to End All Wars
And the millions that were murdered but the gun gradders of the 3rd Reich.
And if you overlook any of the violence that took place in the Eastern block countries while the Soviets ran things
And if you overlook Bosnia and places like that.
And, well.....

Europe is just a bunch more peaceful than here. It's just one big round the clock Love-In.


Wow! What a surprise!

A liberal European Socialist doesn't like the way things are in the USA. Hope he remembers that when the Islamic uprising starts and we deny his immigration visa. :D

The ignorance and bigotry of the initial correspondent made me annoyed to be of European extraction, while the ignorance and bigotry of many of the followup posters made me ashamed to be a member of the alleged "High Road". :rolleyes:

"Congo Carl", indeed, "Ol' Badger". Tell me, does your wife get mad at the eyholes cut in the pillowcases? :fire:
The human species is doomed. Face it. People are just plain stupid. They are so quick to forget the past and things that got them in trouble. So quick to re-embrace that hopeless idea that people are good and that government knows what is best for you. Face it, people are selfish by nature, they can and will disregard the rights of others if they have to in order to advance their own agenda. If someone wants to forget that, let em. Darwinism at its finest, they will be weeded out.
And why would you prefer us unarmed?

No offense, but it may be because us American "cowboys" have to come over there every few decades to kick somebody's a-- that got out of line and save all the "civilized" folk over there that don't mind sending their neighbors to forced labor camps, just so long as the state promises them cultural attractions like ballet, symphonies, and art for "free."

Norway excluded. I do suppose you owe the English more than us. The English owe us.

Don't need a reason to have a gun, need to have plenty of reason why individuals should not have the freedom to participate in any recreational activity they desire. Maybe abbreviated freedoms is required to reduce crime. Always a good idea to let Society carry the burden of the actions of the few.

Let's see. What has been in the news recently? Red Brigade, November 17 group... Basque separatists have not made headlines recently. No drug dealing in public housing, of course, as they are all happy happy happy to be crime free.

Are the Serbs, Croats, and others in that area a part of Europe; you know, the intertribal warfare and ethnic cleansing? Bombings? Of course this rabble wouldn't THINK of emigrating to the EU and bringing their nastier habits.

Guess finding Germany a convenient place to run a terrorist network and stage suicide attacks on the New York world trade center isn't a crime, just European politics as usual.

Weren't some Euros not too long back echoing the sentiments of Canadians who come to the US for the desirable level of medical care? Spreading the wealth tends to thin it out I guess.

I guess there might be a few bumps here and there, but overall I'd say that the United States has done a pretty good job over the last century in creating an environment where Europeans can live as civilized creatures. No stress, plenty of time and room for some individuals to be smug, self righteous and supercilious.

(Edited to meet a Higher standard.)
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This whole "Europe" practice of lumping all what, 37 countries? in Europe into one big nebulous cowardly entity is getting on my nerves.

Yes, France and Germany suck (or, at the very least, their political leadership does). Yes, the UK has idiotic crime laws.
Yes, many of the Western EU members are heavily socialized nanny-states.

But when we say "Europe is nothing but a bunch of hoplophobic weasels" we are including, for example, Switzerland - one of the most free and prosperous countries on Earth, and the various former Warsaw Pact nations (Poland and the Czech Republic, especially).

And despite their flaws (America-hating leadership in some, short-sightedness for others, Socialist nanny-states for others) Europe is still a much better place than most on Earth (this country excepted), and most of the nations there remain stalwart allies of ours.

Let us not make the mistake of judging the silent many for the mistakes of the loud few.

(all that said, I do enjoy a good round of Euro-bashing from time to time. I just think that people who would bash "Europe" should pause a moment to consider what "Europe" really is - a geographical boundary enclosing a large number of very diverse nation-states)
This has been quite educational. It is good to see that there is more firearms ownership in some parts of Europe than I thought.

Basing "Europeans" is a bit like bashing "Americans." There are around 300 million of each... so generalizations are meaningless. :rolleyes:
We simply have a different way of doing things and the results speak for themselves.

Especially in the 1910s, 1930s and 1940s.:rolleyes:

I thought it is supposed to be us ugly Americans who are shortsighted. It's funny how Europeans think 50 years of relative peace - driven primarily by NATO and nuclear mutual-assured destruction - somehow makes them more "civilized" than Americans.
My response is intentionally pure sarcasm and as such highlilghts what may not be (is not) the standard, but what has been blithely ignored in self righteous world views of individuals. Duty of sarcasm is to underscore these discrepancies.

Why, some of my best friends are little European folk (said in my best redneck "liberal" drawl).
As a european (and soon to be EU member) I found some parts of his/her letter really amusing.

„Consequently violent crime in the EU is just a fraction of what happens in the US and I want to keep it that way.â€

Haha, looks like he never saw the new violent crime statistics in the UK…

„As homelessness is virtually unheard of in the EU , we don't have the social problems to go with it.â€

BWAHAHAHA!!!! This guy is really live in the EU? I seriously doubt that! :rolleyes: :barf:

„US culture quite alien and quite distastefulâ€

Pardon me, but I think some (put your "favourite" EU nation here) european cultures just as alien and distasteful as the US. :neener:
Jim March
It's the result of past racism and systematic policies destroying black families and social instutions for literally hundreds of years, not anything genetic.
You might also point out that these were caused by slavery which we inherited from Europeans... They like to get all high and mighty abotu our problems, but at least we're trying to dseral with them, even as we deal with problems they caused and bailed out on. (Like the Middel East, for example...)
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