Open carry AR-15

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Aug 4, 2010

I found this disturbing and yet comforting; hard to explain but it is definitely a two edge sword. I do think that if cooler heads on both sides do not prevail nothing good is coming.:confused:

Daddy always said, "If you go looking for trouble you will not have to travel far".

This was partly in response to the Marine who was injured in Oakland OWS a couple of days ago according to my info.:eek:

First one to post a political diatribe the thread will be closed; probably will anyway but IMO this is current and important. May have a positive effect or be a total negative....Depends on the black out or spin?

I understand on one level their purpose for the display; :what:

Opinions of this type of display during a peaceful protest? Is it insurance everything remains peaceful or an open threat?

Also I believe if this would have happened in many states the response by the local LEO would not have been the same, regardless.:scrutiny:
The guy's name is J.T. Ready. If you google him to say this guy has a "checkered past" is a massive understatement.
I have no problems with peaceful open carry, but a protest isn't the best place. Particularly not a protest that stands a fair chance of turning into a massive brawl. I wouldn't open carry into a notorious bar, either. Knowing that cops could raid it or nogoodnicks could start a fight is enough to keep me, and my firearms, well clear. It's the rule about avoiding trouble. This fellow is breaking that rule. And heaven forbid if there's another confrontation and he decides to shoot an LEO things will go to the hot place real fast, with plenty of people getting killed in the process.

I also don't care for the uniform or the badges. Foolishness. Dangerous foolishness.
What a phony. This guy is a nazi socialist who acts like he supports the constitution. This is the kind of trash that gives the rest of us gun-owners a bad name. Does he actually think he is doing any good?:scrutiny:
Cosmoline I agree it is part of the see and avoid most of us try to exercise.

Having done a brief Google on J.T. Ready he is running for state rep in one report and being called a Neo Nazi by another. The problem with anyone who goes against the grain is they are demonized whether true or not. It really does not matter who or what he is other than he and his group are open carrying in their version of battle dress to a protest! I would be surprised if someone in the halls of Gov are not busily writing an amendment to their open carry laws as we read and type.

There was a study several years ago where protest were gauged on their success rate. World wide the peaceful actions of protest had a much higher rate of success ( for change) than the ones that got violent. Problem is several peaceful protesters usually have to be sacrificed to make the protest successful.
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All things aside I don't think anything they said was incorrect, I'm somewhat concerned with them standing with what seems to me to be anarchists.
I personally see this as somewhat of a good thing on several fronts.

First, I somewhat agree with the basic principles of the occupy movement, though not the extremists of all sorts involved within, so it's good to see people standing up for them.

Second, many of those there are probably more liberal, and many of them probably were fence sitters to anti-gun, and having private citizens standing guard for them with privately owned arms given some of the police responses might help our (the 2nd amendment supporters) positions, and gain more support as they see that they are necesary.

Third, it shows the private citizens with guns in a positive light to more people than those that usually agree with the view.
I'd say they are fools. By a large margin, the protestors at these events don't care about rights and these protests are a push for more government control. Instead of trying to use it as a springboard for gun rights, we/you need to ignore the occupy fools. If they got it their way, we wouldn't be able to get guns because the companies that make them would be shut down because they make a profit.
I can't see how anyone with rational, logical thought can support a group that hates profit making large corps, but has no qualms in using products made by those companies. Apple, who is sitting on tens of billions in cash are is not being targeted by these groups, nor is facebook. Why is that? Because the people in these protests are hypocrites, because they only think about themselves. They want others to sacrifice shop they can profit, and this guy in the video fell for it.
.....?? is this guy legally allowed to own firearms?

apparently hes been arrested more than a few times....and has been dishonorably discharged from the military...

arent those pretty big disqualifiers for legal firearm ownership?
Been doing some reading on the J.T. character and by his past he would not be someone most would follow on a mouse hunt....Dishonorable discharge after 2 convictions in the Marines etc etc. If the report I read can be believed; again it is getting harder to sift through the chaff to get to the wheat in many cases..

Again this case is not about the messenger but the message.

There are OWS protest all over the country if not the Western World. Myself as many, hope and pray, there is not some flash point either from some paid provocateur or some idiot hot head that brings consequences for all of us that believe in the 2a and the reasons for it being in the Constitution.

This is not over yet IMO due to the incidence with Scott (Marine) Olsen; that simple incidence gives many something to hang their hat on.

They have the right to carry but.......
Regardless of what, or how much, dirt you can dig up on 'anyone,' we shouldn't be so easily distracted from the purpose of this demonstration.

Personally, I'd like to see this in every major city across the U.S. all at once.

It was a peaceful protest.

Nobody got crazy or acted like a felon.

Nobody incited a riot.

Nobody was disrespectful to the officers just feet away.

Their purpose and the point they intended to relay was sound.

One glaring point, within their intended specific purposes, is that the people do not approve of the injustices of the Government and they're willing to stand together to object to them.

The message this sends to the people is that there are many others out there who also feel unjustly represented by the powers that be.

The message this sends to those who intend to continue to oppress is that we're not gonna lay down and take it.
I personally an on the fence when it comes to OC of a gun at a protest. On one hand, it symbolizes the constitutional rights we have, but on the other hand, all it takes is one moron to make the person with the gun turn into a Brady Campaign poster boy for why guns are bad.

*Not going to make a diatribe here*
I have actually taken some part in the OWS protest @ Baltimore. I went last weekend an I will turn up against this weekend. Would I carry a gun? Maybe, but the ruddy laws here wouldn't let me. I think that peaceful protest can be a great avenue for the advancement of our agenda, but it has to be done gradually.
I can't help but disagree with you Mr.Scott. No one is protesting the large corporations, or their products. CNN, FOX, MSNBC would like to portray that these people are hypocrites and anti-capitalist.

Apple didn't make those billions illegally. They also paid taxes. BofA paid less than 1% tax rate last year. Check out the Fed audit here: $16 trillion, yes that's more than the US annual GDP, paid out to banks all over the world by the Federal Reserve bank at 0% interest since 2005. Think of what that has done for inflation of our currency. None of that money has been repaid. People are protesting the criminality of specific companies and their corrupt influence on government. Since big banks are causing the most harm with their criminality, they are naturally the target. It's not okay for someone to physically steal cash from you, but it's okay for a bank to steal it by demanding the government (that they've lobbied heavily with huge conflicts of interest) to bail them out with your very same dollars?

Back OT:

I don't think that "JT" is credible, but I can't deny that what he is saying has truth to it. I also think that he is well within his rights to do what he's doing. The old guard 55+ have let it happen on their watch. It's a shame that they are at the height of their influence right now. Corruption is rife. The party system coupled with lobbyists has created loyalties to factions that are separate from the country, but distinctly within it.


I think that this could potentially increase the awareness of the importance of the 2nd amendment. If liberal protestors see the value of being able to protect their actions and words with the backing of lethal force, they may turn pro gun, which is a good thing to me.

At the age of 28, with a burgeoning firearm collection I can't help but think how they heck did you guys let it get this corrupt?
I have actually taken some part in the OWS protest @ Baltimore

$16 trillion, yes that's more than the US annual GDP, paid out to banks all over the world by the Federal Reserve bank at 0% interest since 2005. Think of what that has done for inflation of our currency. None of that money has been repaid

Yes the view from many MSN sources would have us all believe the OWS guys and gals are a bunch of left wing commies. Commie/socialist are certainly there but so are others with totally different objectives. There are rumors some are even paid to be there. I think about possible paid provocateurs that planned or worked for the " Fast and Furious" bunch of highly paid/educated politicos with their idea of the Nations best interest at heart; I am sure.

At this point and time "if" I wanted to attend and I felt my presence would be helpful towards some cause I believed in strongly I would not take a weapon for many reasons. I can think of all kinds of scenarios where being armed and seeing or watching perceived injustices could get all kinds of people in trouble. I would rather have a helmet and a gas mask but talk about drawing attention to ones self!! On the other hand the mere presence of guys with ARs seems to have had a civilizing calming effect; or maybe it would have been the same with or without their presence. As said before it is a 2 edged sword.

At the age of 28, with a burgeoning firearm collection I can't help but think how they heck did you guys let it get this corrupt?
Well some of us were busy becoming the 1%, raising kids, and believing elected officials could be trusted to not turn Judas for a few ounces of silver.

There may be a time when those who are able to stand armed, shoulder to shoulder, will be called upon to right some wrong; I really really hope it never comes to pass for that is a one way bridge not easily crossed and all but impossible to ever return home.
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The real success of a demonstration like this, to me, is that a band of 'armed' citizens stood face to face with local law enforcement to make a point and guess what?

Nothing got out of hand.

What does this say about firearms?

What does this say about firearm owners?

What does this say about citizens who stand up for, and are willing to defend, the Constitution of the United States?

To me it says a lot and it completely contradicts what the Government would 'want' us to believe about people that fall into these categories.

ETA: I believe that footage of this event broadcast on the 10 o'clock news in every state across the nation would cause a perception shift for the masses. That's exactly why I'd bet it won't be broadcast.
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I don't think anyone of these people (felons and such excluded) shouldn't be allowed to own guns or carry. But this OWS thing is heating up and I'm concerned that some of these people, and there are plenty of violent people there, might be less responsible in their use of said weapons. The hippy types view our enthusiasm for guns as some sort of violent love affair. What's to keep them from saying to themselves "If those fascist righties can shoot whoever they want, why can't I? I am supported by 99% or the people."

Now this is a hard line to define of course. This is a similar argument lefties use about banning guns altogether. All it takes is one guy to ruin it. But I have seen so much irresponsibility with these people. They're pooping in the streets, then get mad when it has to be cleaned up. Some poor woman got raped at one of the camps in the Cleveland protest. They were throwing pots and pans at cops in Oakland. They're shutting down businesses in Dallas. Just because you see bits and pieces of video on the news doesn't mean all the cops are inciting these people.
At least TEA Partiers said their piece, then went home.
The intent of this movement is to bring down the Republic and replace it with some workers utopia. I think that has been tried before and it starts with violence and ends with much suffering.
I think the people at these demonstrations guns or not are duped and stooges for Soros and the likes. Be very careful with this.
I don't think anyone of these people (felons and such excluded) shouldn't be allowed to own guns or carry. But this OWS thing is heating up and I'm concerned that some of these people, and there are plenty of violent people there, might be less responsible in their use of said weapons. The hippy types view our enthusiasm for guns as some sort of violent love affair. What's to keep them from saying to themselves "If those fascist righties can shoot whoever they want, why can't I? I am supported by 99% or the people."

Now this is a hard line to define of course. This is a similar argument lefties use about banning guns altogether. All it takes is one guy to ruin it. But I have seen so much irresponsibility with these people. They're pooping in the streets, then get mad when it has to be cleaned up. Some poor woman got raped at one of the camps in the Cleveland protest. They were throwing pots and pans at cops in Oakland. They're shutting down businesses in Dallas. Just because you see bits and pieces of video on the news doesn't mean all the cops are inciting these people.
At least TEA Partiers said their piece, then went home.
Would I be right to also assume you are older and perhaps a bit uncomfortable around these protesters? Most, vast majority are completely harmless free love types. I am sure you passed through that age category one time. In fact if you go among them and just strike up a chat you will change your view of them. The TV channels are mostly garbage both left and right, they are just out to get anything to taint the other side. They portray a point of view and call that news. And don't trust media not to manufacture facts. they often sensationalize for ratings. I tend not to trust them much.

The tea Party had some mean borderline unstable folks among them too, and some of them taunted folks they didn't agree with. I am sure you take a sample of the bad apples you might be surprised the percentages would be very similar. People are people generally. This whole thing of tea party and OWS is not only left and right, its generational too. Out with the old, in with the new. No one likes to be replaced. Today's young liberals are tomorrow's old conservatives. People in general become more conservative the older they get. Its all less rational than most like to believe. Today's violent young guy, is still tomorrow's violent old guy. Unless he is too weak and vulnerable that is. Then he will mellow out, but only because he doesn't have the strength to cause much trouble. Overall both groups exercising their rights. Nothing wrong with that, its a free country. That's my honest opinion.
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