open carry @ national night out events?

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Aug 3, 2009
I think the best place to open carry, and send a message about how to REALLY prevent/stop crime, would be to open carry at these stupid symbolic festivals called "national night out against crime" which will be occurring today and tomorrow. The anti gun/anti self defense media loves to publicize these events, which are actually "whine about crime in a powerless way" festivals.

Does anyone plan to open carry at one of these events tomorrow? (where legal of course). This is where I really like Arizona. + = :cool:
Try that here in Illinois, (my towns night out festivites is right by the police's that for ironic) you'll be arrested and in the slammer in ten seconds flat. What a lousy state, but at least I don't live in the city of Chicago.
Originally Posted by scottr
message board:
Parade thread:
another board:

It was a beautiful day and great parade. There were about 45-50 people in the open carry group. Everyone seemed to have fun, both in the parade and watching us. I know I enjoyed being in the open carry group more than any parade I have watched from the side.

Most spectator comments were very supportive with lots of extra clapping, waving, shouts and thanks; I only heard a couple people who disliked the idea. One said he hoped the magazines were empty (the ones I knew about weren't empty) and another wanted bullets outlawed.

Many people both young and old saw firearms being publicly carried in a responsible manner, many likely for the first time in their lives. Lots of pictures were taken of our group; pictures that will hopefully be looked at, sent to friends, and remarked upon.

We were a fun part of a 4th of July parade. How much more American can you get? Cops weren't drawing down on us, no one was being blasted through a shop window, and no Hollywood actor was spouting HCI/Brady lies about the NRA supporting cop-killer bullets. Firearms and their owners were seen in a positive and normal light by average American citizens. Normalization of firearms is one of the best ways to NOT be perceived as fringe loonies.

I know that I both exercised and promoted my Constitutional Second Amendment right during the parade, which is more than most people did that day, or any other day.
Anchorage July 4 parade. I have posted this before, but not sure many saw it. Yeah, I'm pretty proud of it.
Sorry pic to small! I cant remove it. there is a gun on my Hip OH MY!!


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It would be nice in Texas, but the Lone Star State does not permit open carry by civilians at all except in their homes or places of business.
Where I live yer not "supposed" to open carry,but I'm good friends with the sheriff and the conceal law is'ent really enforced. But I think it whould be good if a couple of us "Rabel Rousers" showed up and commited a little civil disobeadiance,as long as we don't insite any violence in the prossess.
Where I live yer not "supposed" to open carry,but I'm good friends with the sheriff and the conceal law is'ent really enforced. But I think it whould be good if a couple of us "Rabel Rousers" showed up and commited a little civil disobeadiance,as long as we don't insite any violence in the prossess.
Open carry is completely legal in OR, so you're not getting any special treatment. Also, it isn't civil disobedience if your actions are lawful.
I was in Sanford at my fiancee's church, I wore my NRA Instructor Polo and hung out outside off the church's property tossing T-shirts for the local kids and church kids. Making sure no one was rough housing in the bouncing castle and occassionally moving heavy things. It was nice. The church is in the middle of a den of drug dealing and prostitution. Crime isn't that bad as far as violent crime. There weren't any murders last year and the only rapes were prostitutes calling foul so I can't speak to that one way or another.

The pasteur and I are acquainted. My fiancee and him talk regularly and he's an okay guy. He knew I was carrying concealed. When asked what I was carrying I told him my Glock 20 and Rossi 462 snub nose .357 magnum. And he responded "I've got my S&W 642." I passed out a few business cards and folks made appointments to do the first steps pistol class so they can get their CWPs.

It's not a bad event per se, folks get out in groups, there were fifty plus people, which helps keep the drug dealers and prostitutes from wanting to show their faces. And the church operates a community watch group who calls the cops on prostitutes and suspected drug dealers, and the cops actually do come out, and a few of the flock are themselves in law enforcement. The area has gotten cleaned up better since the church started its community watch group a few years ago and has made a difference.

So I'm all for it. I don't live nearby so I can't really help with the community watch group.
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