Operation Mag Drop

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Jan 20, 2003
A quiet, ongoing program of Second Amendment activism.

Many have been doing it for some time. Basically it's leaving your gun magazines (reading kind, not fill-with-ammo kind) in public places.

I've been putting mine in my exam rooms in my office. I've been pleasantly surprised how much they get read.
I like it, but we should be careful about which magazines we leave since we're trying to educate/sway the public.

The new Garden & Guns is great for raising eyebrows and getting people who would never give a second look to a gun publication pick it up and browse through it. It is perfect for dropping at areas where shooters are in the minority.
Been active withour knowing it

I have been dropping gun magazines off in all kinds of places for years. Hope it helps the cause.
I leave them in our lounge at work. They disappear quickly. So did a herb and spice catalog I left there.

The Time magazines and Woman's Day are still there however.
We had a couple families get together last July 4 and stayed at a condo where someone had left about six gun magazines in the nightstand. I loved it. The only thing better would have been if he (I assume "he") would have left a new gun. Maybe a short note saying he had left it for the next occupant and to enjoy the box of ammo.
Yes, this is an old JBS tactic. I used to leave JBS publications in waiting rooms of dental offices, in office lunchrooms, in libraries, in phone booths, in bus stations and airports, you name it. Good fun.
And don't forget to ask that your news stand stock them. Most convenience stores do, but most grocery stores do not, in response to steady complaints by the antis. Talk to your store manager and get him to put them back. I did.
I do this at my doctor's office. He doesn't typically keep those in his waiting room. He also doesn't seem to mind when I do it, as he's an NRA life member...
I've been doing this since starting my own practice, no liberal partners around for "discussion". I do cut off my address labels, not because I'm worried about my patients opinion of me, but to keep some type of privacy intact. Dave
The more 'normal' folks the anti's see reading gun mags, hopefully the better. Either that, or they'll quickly be finding new docs, dentists, etc. to visit, hehe. Might cut down on the wait times for the rest of us!
Wiley: "The more 'normal' folks the anti's see reading gun mags, hopefully the better."

Heh. A little over twenty years ago I thought it might be fun to "pose" at an airport and on a plane very publicly perusing the military rifle section of a gun publication while clad in some paramilitary garb I had picked up in my travels and with a crew cut and even a couple small scars I had accumulated. I know, I know; some kids get mohawks and neck in public, some read gun magazines. Extremely immature, even a little anti-social, and I certainly wouldn't have done it these days. Not after Columbine, et al. The little old lady sitting next to me, and I swear I am not making this up, asked me which gun I recommended. It was a scene, man.
The more on the fence/not sure people who see "average" people reading gun magazines, the better since it educates them and gets them thinking guns are ok or even "maybe for me". :)
Garden and gun is a relatively new magazine about fine southern living and firearms. it's pretty cool.
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