Oregon Nurse Update

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Jan 1, 2003
Well, it seems the guy that broke in and was killed by the nurse in Portland was actually a hired hitman! This is something straight out of bad television!


"Michael James Kuhnhausen Sr. first hired Edward Dalton Haffey to mop up the mess at Fantasy Adult Video.

Police say he then hired Haffey, a convicted felon with a long criminal history, to kill his wife.

Kuhnhausen, the estranged husband of the emergency room nurse who strangled an intruder in her Southeast Portland home last week, was charged early Thursday with criminal conspiracy to commit murder and attempted murder. Detectives say Michael Kuhnhausen, 58, helped disarm the security alarm at the Southeast Alder Street home earlier in the day and let Haffey in. Haffey waited with yellow rubber gloves and a claw hammer for at least four hours until Susan Kuhnhausen arrived home from work.

A court affidavit released Thursday describes what Susan Kuhnhausen called the "fight of her life" -- the violent struggle she had with her attacker, and how what first looked like a bizarre burglary turned into a tangled, domestic-related murder plot.

One of the first clues left behind was the dead intruder's backpack. Inside was a day planner, with "Call Mike, Get letter," scribbled on the week of Sept. 4, and Michael Kuhnhausen's cell phone number jotted down on the inside of a folder.

Susan Kuhnhausen, 51, lived alone at the house she and her husband owned in the 7900 block of Southeast Alder Street. She told police she was insisting on divorcing Michael, but he was distraught and wanted to reconcile. "
Funny way to "reconcile". That's absolutely classic for the controlling abusive husband whose wife leaves. The most dangerous times are when she first leaves him, when the divorce proceedings actually start, and when the decree is finalized. That's when he'll try to kill her. Of course, most have the cojones to do it themselves.
Heard about that this morning. Nice husband eh? At least now if he tries to smack her around she can just say "Remember what happened to your hitman?" :p
I would wager a guess that all the "stuff" she's seen as an ER nurse prepared her to avoid the "This isn't really happening, is it?" type of denial/brain-lock that many people suffer during the onset of a violent crime.
Ban hammers. And nail guns while they are at it. Roofers are 42% more likely to shoot themselves in the nose with a nailgun than nail a shingle with it. Hopefully she won't be brought up on charges for not waiting for the cops to rescue her.
Roofers are 42% more likely to shoot themselves in the nose with a nailgun than nail a shingle with it.
LMAO! "Your hammer is 58% more likely to strike the thumb of a family member than to drive in a rogue nail! Mr. and Mrs. America...turn them in!!"
Besides, even if you plan on killing someone with a hammer they'll just take it from you and strangle you with it. :D :D :D
I read in an MSN article I posted on another thread that the police say she acted in self-defense. So, I doubt she'll be charged with anything.
Yup, like the old saying goes - Never bring a hammer to a strangling.

Oregon law permits the use of deadly force to stop a burglary in a dwelling.

Hammer. Nail Bang. :p
He had to hire a hitman

He probably had already gotten the losing end of a few fights with her already.
A friend and I were struggling to get a engine into the back of a pick up when his wife came over and just (pretty much) got it in there single handedly.:eek:
His SIL is a power lifter in her spare time.
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