Oregon Questions

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Dec 22, 2002
Houston, Texas
I have quite a few friends in Oregon, and all of them say Oregon (in terms of gun laws, as well as politics) is going to hell in a PRK-style handbasket.

When did this start happening? Has it been happening a long time?

Was there a singular person/event that caused this? It's a fairly nice state, (so I thought) but most of my friends advise against me moving there..

??:confused: ??
The morons who Created the PDRK Nightmare are fleeing into OR unfortunately, and they are doing the same damned thing to Oregon.:barf:
In Oregon, Ginny Burdick is the gunowners' enemy. She vows to legislate Oregon's Assault Weapons Ban.

Her last bit of work was on the gunshow loophole legislation passed a couple years ago, which screwed the concealed weapons permit holders, where we can no longer bypass the background check.

Time for Oregon to vote the monster out of office. She sounds exactly like Diane.

Up to this point, we seem to be holding our own as far as gun laws go. We do have Ginny Burdick, our own version of Dianne Feinstein, who tries real hard, but the best she's gotten so far is a background check requirement at gunshows. The concern though is that with the massive influx of expat Californian leftists this situation could change at any moment.

If your looking for somewhere to move, the reasons for not coming to Oregon are centered more in the high tax rate, especially in Portland (the only county in the country to have its own income tax:mad: ) and the difficulty in finding work.
I grew up there, but by the time I got into the job market in the mid '90's I found it virtually impossible to get a good job. In the mean time, so many Kalifornians had infested the state that the real estate and rental markets were way over my price range. I ultimately bagged it and took off for Alaska. The Oregon I grew up in, with cheap housing and an intellectual libertarian attitude, is dying off fast. Now all the farmland is turning to McMansions, and layers of gov'ment tell you how to use the toilet and mow the lawn.

Still, there are still some nice things about it. We should have followed Tom's advice and put up the wall on the border back in the 1970's. Then we would have been fine.
Yeah, jobs and Oregon seem to be a difficult mix..

Your own version of Diane?? (press the flight attendent button, someone needs a barf bag)

It's such a shame. Oregon is very green, filled with trees and a lot of huntin'...
I feel I must apologize for my fellow Californians that have ruined such a beautiful state.

I moved up to Oregon to get away from the liberal invasion that had taken over California, I had no idea that it was moving up here too.

Like TwoBlink said, such a shame. Lush green forests, lots of trails, places to kayak, bike, climb, swim etc.

Anyway we can just push the liberals up to Washington and from there to Canada?

Anyway we can just push the liberals up to Washington ...?

(I spent half my life trying to get away from the California liberals. Leave them there!)


California is a nice place to live - if you happen to be an Orange. -- Fred Allen

Nothing is wrong with California that a rise in the ocean level wouldn't cure. -- Ross MacDonald
I too, feel as though I must apologize for CA.

It's a blight on the rest of the nation.
I am putting my house on the market Oct. 1st, and moving to Oregon. Maybe enough of us gunnies can push back the tide. After we've fixed Oregon, we'll invade CA.

I can't wait to leave this state behind.

My deepest respect goes to those who chose to remain and fight. However, we are needed on both fronts: Ca, to push back the tide of gun control, and Oregon, to fight against the spreading cancer.
I'm tired of fighting a rear-guard battle against overwhelming odds. I need a vacation.....

There are other reasons for leaving......
It's so pathetic that the logical ones of the PRK have to make apologies for the other 90%..

I was at a bbq in Oregon about 4 years ago.. and when I stepped up to the bbq pit, my friends dad said to me "Before you get any food, let me ask you, who are you voting for? And btw, your answer will determine if you get lunch or not..." My friend replied "He's an avid gun owner" and that rewarded me with a nice juicy steak. :D

I recall some tax situation, like state taxes?

I don't know, but I'm all out of west coast pacific states to move to... and that's sad.. PRK residence to blame..

Even now, I was thinking of moving to LV, but it seems Vegas is under infestation as well..
It's so pathetic that the logical ones of the PRK have to make apologies for the other 90%..

Pathetic, yes.
But it isn't too late to change the tide. We must preserve the rights of our children by fighting for our own.
We can change the tide if we teach our children, if we change minds among our enemies.

.......I got nothing.
It strikes me that Oregon is in much the same boat as Illinois. One large city drives legislation for the rest of the state. Washington is much the same, as the drive for Eastern Washington to seperate from Western Washington illustrates.
It's such a shame. Oregon is very green, filled with trees and a lot of huntin'...
I spent 4 hours today wondering amongst those lovely trees (back on the far end on Haynes Inlet). I saw tons of elk, deer and bear sign. Speaking of bear poop, that stuff was everywhere.. I was starting to get a little nervous when I saw 7 rather large (and fresh) pills of poo all within a 100 yard stretch of road.

I kept thinking to myself, "This Ruger 10/22 ain't gonna get the job done should I come across one of them black furry critters! Ya' know, it might time to get out of the Heck outa' here!!!" :uhoh: << That would be the old logging road that I was walking on.. not the State. ;)

Still, it was pretty cool seeing fresh beaver tracks, though.. It looked they must have been busy a few days earlier working on there little log 'n brush dam.. :cool:

I'll be leaving the PRK in a few weeks to do my part in taking back the Beaver State from the commies. Let's give 'em hell!

Ya know, if enough free-thinking individuals moved into one state, we could have a significant impact on the politics of that state. We could swarm like locusts, devouring tyrany at every stop.
Schuey, you know if you fired a 10/22 at a black bear, you're just gonna piss it off more right??

try AT LEAST a 10mm Auto or .44Mag... 308 works great..

That's why the friend that was with me was packing his S&W 686.

It would have been nice, however, if he would have mentioned that the area that we were going plinkin' was infested with black bears. :banghead: It wasn't until we got there that he pulled out his .357 out of the back of his rig, and then he softly muttered something like, "Oh, by the way, there are bears all over this area. I doubt that we will see one. Still, you probably should have brought something bigger than that Ruger."

"No, really! Ya' think!!", I grumbled back as I loaded my 25 round mags with cheapie Remmington ammo. "You said we were going to this quiet little spot to shoot .22's, not fending off black bears that have been dieting on nothing but blackberries all summer long!!"

"I go here all the time. I always see bear sign, but I have yet to see the critter that made it."

:banghead: :fire: :banghead:

Yeah, I could have just told him to just hop back in the rig and head back, and he could have told me beforehand that this part of Elliot State Forest was crawling with bears.

Was it the smartest thing to do? Umm, No! Have I been in that type of situation before (one where I am armed with nothing more than a .22 while traveling in the Hinterland), sure I have.

Did I see any bears? No. Does that mean that they weren't there? No. Am I going back? Probably not. Will I be bringing my S&W next time, if there is a next time? You bet!

I escaped the PRK three years ago,I do miss the beaches.I have been vacationing in OR for over 20 years.There are a lot of ex-Californians here,but not all are lefty's.In fact there are significant numbers of lefty's born and bred right here in OR.
The situation in Oregon is not as bad as portrayed.

We have a fairly unrestrictive "shall-issue" CCW law with a long track record of not being a problem.

We have statewide pre-emption of localities passing their own weapons laws.

There is no AWB, nor is it likely that one will get passed unless it is by initiative, as a referendum will not make it past the Republican dominated House.

Class III is allowed, as long as one stays out of the People's Republic of Portland.

Initiatives have generally become harder and more expensive to get on the ballot due to recent legal changes. Though a double edged sword for many groups, this generally helps state RKBA as it would require a very expensive and visible battle to change the status quo instead of some cheap tinkering by ill-funded activists.

The problems:

As noted, we have our mini-Feinstein. Thankfully, she is not as influential as assumed. Her gun show bill was passed on the fallacy that there were no gun checks at all at gun shows. In reality, all she managed to do was push private transactions to the "Nickle Ads" or "Shotgun News."

Even the leading Republican politician, Kevin Mannix, is a RINO on RKBA, having formerly been a DINO on everything else in the 80s. This party switcher is more into the abortion debate than he is reliable with the base on gun issues.

A bad Court of Appeals case that remains the law on assault weapons. Judge DeMuniz, now on the Supreme Court, authored a piece of dreck in the late 80s about assault gun possession on public property. Part of that opinion is that so-called AWs have no legal protection under the State Constitution, as the founders could not, in 1859, have envisioned the creation of semi-automatic weapons, therefore only revolvers and lever action repeating arms are afforded definitive protection from regulation by the state in terms of ownership and other restrictions. This opinion is patently stupid, because bolt rifles and pump shotguns are left unprotected too. At the time, the Supreme Court denied review, but I think that if someone went for the logical ends of the faulty reasoning of that case, it would be heavily revised. It is still a time bomb in state jurisprudence however.


As long as we can keep the lefties confined to the tri-county area, the less their impact is. It is in spreading that the danger comes. Right now, Portland is villified by nearly every other part of the state, but if their way of thinking becomes "mainstream" look out. My backup plan is to move to North Dakota.:D
My summer picking blackberries in Oregon:

Twoblink: "Hey, is that bear poop on the floor??"
Dale: "Yep, they love blackberries more than you..."
Twoblink: "Errr, did you bring a gun?"
Dale: "Yep, it's in the truck.."
Twoblink: ":confused: :uhoh: :banghead:
Dale: "You think I should go get it?"
Twoblink: "Do you have ammo for it?"
Dale: "Just birdshot, forgot to pack other ammo.."

So the next time I was there... SP101 with 158grain 357Maggies...

I really do like Oregon, I like the microbrews, and when it's not raining 40 days straight, I like going blackberry picking and crawdaddin'..
Just sall on the cnbc news that they are really are going to try and Ban assualt weapons in Oregon now that the AWB is over..They showed people talking about it in meeting etc..I didnt think they would really ever try and ban anything.I really dont know what to do.
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