Origin of "This Changes Everything"

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Dec 29, 2002
Los Anchorage
I'm sure you have also noticed the meme "Newtown changed everything." It started appearing in the MSM shortly after the Newtown shooting, and was quickly picked up by the administration and allied pundits. But does anyone remember where it started? I was fiddling with Google to see if I could track the first instance but my fu came up short. Maybe there's a way to filter the results and get to the insertion point. Maybe find fingerprints?

The slogan has the smell of something cooked up in a lab rather than growing naturally. The announcement came as a rallying cry, not an observation of fact. And it was pushed very hard by Biden & Co.
Wishful thinking on their part, but I imagine they truly thought they could make it stick. They were licking their chops for a few days.
LOL that's true. And it's been a minor internet meme.

Newtown was December 14, and here's Joe Scarbarararwhatever on the 17th making his claim that he used to be a big shooter, but now everything has changed:

"From this day forward, nothing can ever be the same again," he said. "... Let this be our true landmark ... politicians can no longer be allowed to defend the status quo."

But he added that Friday "changed everything":


So that may be the start. If so, then we have a very interesting and disturbing example of the press creating an agitprop talking point, having it repeated back at them by the politicians, and then reporting it *again* as news.

Here's the pattern I see emerging. Looking at El Presidente's early pronouncements, he was saying enough is enough, we need to change, etc. It was future and present tense, though. Then the press came back and announced, in PAST TENSE, that yes indeed everything had CHANGED now and was different. Then that was repeated back to the press by the administration, with push-pulls by the MSM purporting to show that yes, indeed everything was now different and suddenly the old politics were gone and people were ready to march and give their iron up to smiling policemen. Gun control was presented as a certainty, only the details needed to be hammered out. But none of it was real, as became increasingly clear as the months rolled by and actual constituents contacted their reps. So when the votes came in, the bubble universe created by the MSM and the President collided with the actual universe where politicians have to get reelected.

It may also be an example of a massive scale Pauline Kael effect. The MSM lives in isolation, as does the administration. So when the one "gun guy" they know who has an old rifle somewhere and used to hunt with Dad in the 70's suddenly declares he's against the NRA, they take that to mean there's a huge shift in opinion. Nixon could not have won because nobody I know voted for him, in other words.
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You know what is strange about this, after Boston. Mayor Bloomberg of New York City said that the interpretation of the constitution will have to change. So every time now there is some tragic event 'something' has to change? I don't believe in conspiracies and it may be just a coincidence.... It doesn't hurt to wonder if someone is providing talking points and giving them to people in the media and public officials?

I'm increasingly convinced that there is a conspiracy to grab more and more power based on these events. Certainly the talking points are prepared well in advance.
People who want these "things to change" will use every tragedy possible to sway the average publics opinion. This is true on both sides of politics. Post 9/11 we had the Patriot Act passed, most never even read it... IMHO I wish we could put term limits on ALL elected officials. It sickens me that the media is just as responsible as the "anti's". They shove their bias views and unfounded statistics to the public. We have a broken country, with a broken system. Oh how quick people are to give up the foundations this nation was built on, just to satisfy their own views and opinions...
Leave us not forget that half the 2008 campaign slogan for the dumbest half of america was unspecified "Change".

Of course that was paired with the brilliant strategy for future success, "Hope".

And in 2012 the old marxist slogan "Forward" carried the election.

I weep for my nation.
Everything changes everything, and the more it changes, the more it remains the same.
I can agree that Newtown did change everything..... ON A DIFFERENT SPECTRUM.

Newtown showed us that our children are vulnerable in a school that they are forced to attend by law. Newtown had nothing to do with guns, what he used is irrelevant. The thing that really gets to me is that some years from now, I will be forced to leave the safety of my child's life in the hands of incompetent unarmed people. If guns were banned outright, mass killings would still continue, despite ignorant belief.

Anybody who thinks that Newtown is about guns, have their eyes closed.
I wouldn't put it passed a George Soros or Bloomberg funded/backed org to float these statements to the media and Administration. They are scheming behind the scenes on an unprecedented level, and we are plugging holes in the dike, and need to drain the swamp instead. I suspect the 2014 will send a strong message, and we need to make sure that happens.
Tricky is right. The real problem will only be compounded with more gun control for the people who obey laws. Their proposed solutions are no better than a barber offerring leeches or bloodletting for a gunshot wound.
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