OT but, I'm back from Philmont and here's the video diary

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Apr 4, 2007
My son and I returned on Thursday and I took the opportunity to put together a three part video of our trip (youtube only allows 10 min vids).

For those who don't know, Philmont is the Boy Scout's national ranch in Cimarron, New Mexico. A 130,000 acre ranch that was donated by Waite Phillips in 1938 and 1941 - two part grant. Its full of trails, camps and activity posts. We backpacked and hiked over 100 miles during our 10 days at the ranch. Here are the links- enjoy!

Part One: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uhjV8W27iw
Part Two: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUkSJbNC3kY
Part Three: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy8x0EJEfsc
PLUS! PLUS! There is an original 1855 Dragoon station located on Philmont Ranch. That's where I got my nick name I use on here. I participated in a weeklong manning of the Station. We were all 1855 Dragoons for the week with nothing newer than 1855 in the camp and station. I got to participate in a real
Hall Rifle Drill with original Hall Breech loaders. We took our Mountain Howitzer and another crew brought the horses so we could pull the caisson and the howitzer properly. It was a week of fun for sure.
I had to think about when I did Philmont. It was back in the early 70's. Pre-video tape. I was part of a gather up group from all over the US, so coming from AZ it was interesting to meet others from around the US. The thing I most remember was the hike over Baldy and learning to shoot the black powder buffalo guns. We shoot 54 cal patch and ball type front loader (don't remember the type) and a 45-70 sharps. That I do remember because it was supposed to be a bigger cartridge (45-90 or 120) but at the time they could not find brass for it.

I liked your pictures of Baldy and the bear.

Now working for the current incarnation of Phillips Petroleum, I have learned a fair amount about the philanthropy of Frank and Waite. Those guys were real gentlemen and still cast a long shadow in the company.
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a very cool experience. I don't know if they still do special stuff like Old Dragoon describes but it would be cool if they did.

This area is rich with old west history - we ate at the St. James hotel in town (Cimarron) after exiting and it was full of old pictures and memorabilia including the bullet holes in the ceiling of the dining room. A lot of famous westerners stayed there including Buffalo Bill, Jesse James, etc.
Boy, that brings back memories!

My son and I did a trek in Philmont in 2005 and it was one of the great experiences of my life.

The Kit Carson Museum in the south end of the ranch is well worth visiting.
We shot blackpowder at the Miranda mountainman camp, but only got to take a few shots each. Of course we could throw tomahawks as long as we liked.
we did the hunting lodge

and didn't get to the Carson museum - missed fish camp too - something to work into future visits! :D

Miranda is the same - two shots is all - but that's two more than most boys get to do. They really liked it too. The BSA is introducing boys to shooting and instilling NRA safety rules - a good thing all around.

They also have a handloading/shooting station for 30-06 Rifle, but I heard that it wasn't being managaged very well - one crew missed being able to shoot altogether but did get to load their cartrdiges... hopefully that was a temporary problem.
I went there in 1965 and it was one of the best experiences I ever had. Overnight train ride from Kansas City there and back. No other scouting adventure is better! Do kids still tie their hiking shoes together and toss them up on the entrance arch when they leave?
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