Out of 4473 Forms and no more yellow paper

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Jan 18, 2006
Laramie, Wyoming
Just got done talking with an ATF agent. They are out of the form 4473.

It isn't bad enough that guns are hard to find and ammo quantities are extreemly low, but now ATF says they are out of the yellow paper to print more forms.

Everyone is worried about the imprinting of ammo, limits or bans on guns, but how many have thought about this. This would be the easiest way to stop gun sales. All they have to do is stop printing the forms and yet require that you use a form.

Could you see dealers charging a form to be mailed to you? What would the price of these be? Would you pay $1,000 for one of the last 5,000 forms to buy a $800 gun?
What a oppertunity to call up International Paper in Harrisburg or Bear Island Paper in Virginian and ask if they can make more rolls of Yellow paper to haul to Fed Printing.

Oh and dont forget to redispatch that ink tanker once in a while away from the Money Mint and have it deliver to the yellow form maker.
The ATF already announced that dealers can photocopy the 4473 until further notice. I did this for about a month while I waited for them to send me new forms. No one will be paying $1,000 for a form that they can photocopy for 10 cents.

ETA: If you would like to pay $1000 (hell, $10) for a blank 4473 please let me know.
Kinkos will make more for you.... as long as you have an original. No one, including the ATF would be able to tell the difference.
Wow. This concern takes THR's Chicken Little proclivities to a whole new level.
Does it?

The Gunshops over the Holidays went through stacks of the forms.

I think in one store other than the three weapons we bought I probably witnessed about 30+ sales to family children, 100+ sales so far since the election with maybe twice that number just looking with a healthy few asking questions very basic like "I want to buy a gun for personal protection or homedefense, what do you have?"

If the Goviment runs out of forms, then they should just print more and be glad. But wait, there is too much going on with the money printing.

Yes.. that's the ticket. Be a good american, fill out a 4473 and slow that money press down.

Yes. As mentioned earlier, the form is available online. Here is the link to a fillable electronic version of the form:


Use of this application requires that "you will have to print the form on 8½” x 11”, yellow paper, which you will provide and you will have to staple all the pages to the form together."

All an FFL has to do is download the electronic form application, go buy a ream of yellow paper, and transfer away.

Is the fact that ATF is out of printed forms going to stop gun sales. No.
Hungry Seagull posted:
If the Goviment runs out of forms, then they should just print more and be glad. But wait, there is too much going on with the money printing.

Man you hit the nail on the head. When the gov. runs out of money, they just print more, trillions more in the case of Obambi. What, they can't find a Kinkos nearby the ATF offices and have a crapload of 4473's printed? They need to come into the real world for a change. Sheesh.

Why make the FFL's pay for "yellow" paper when the government mandates that this is the process they must use when conducting the sale of a LEGAL PRODUCT? Will they let the FFL's deduct the cost from their federal taxes as direct operating expense? Maybe they will. It won't stop gun sales, thank God.
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Lessee, you can photocopy it or download it as a "smart form" from the ATF website if you don't have a supply on hand.

Adding to the ways in which the 4473 can be provided to complete the transaction as an awfully strange way to stop gun sales. :confused:

Kinkos will make more for you.... as long as you have an original. No one, including the ATF would be able to tell the difference.

try again, anyone in the printing industry will be able to tell.
The ATF already announced that dealers can photocopy the 4473 until further notice. I did this for about a month while I waited for them to send me new forms. No one will be paying $1,000 for a form that they can photocopy for 10 cents.

ETA: If you would like to pay $1000 (hell, $10) for a blank 4473 please let me know.

Waterhouse, you totally missed the point. Yes, ATF graciously is allowing FFL's to make copies of the form currently, but normally they don't and I was merely pointing out that all the anti's would have to do is force ATF to say "No" to copies to stop gun sales.
I got the theoretical point. I was pointing out that in actuality the ATF saw a supply problem and promptly corrected it to the best of their abilities.

When you say "normally they don't", what exactly do you mean? Normally they have 4473s in stock. This time when they didn't, they allowed dealers to make copies, and they also allowed downloads of the form. What happened the past several times they ran out of forms?

The ATF form distribution center is one of the most efficient gov't offices you'll find anywhere. When I say efficient I mean getting their task done, not making money. Typically when I order a form from them it arrives within 3 days, which means someone packed it up and shipped it very shortly after my order was sent. When they didn't have forms to send, they very quickly (by gov't standards) came up with an alternate plan. Worry about what the lawmakers will do to take away your guns. Write them. The ATF Form Distributors are not influences by the antis.
Lisa: I'd like 25 copies on Goldenrod.
Clerk: Right.
Lisa: 25 on Canary.
Clerk: Mmhmm.
Lisa: 25 on Saffron.
Clerk: All right.
Lisa: And 25 on Paella.
Clerk: Ok, 100 yellow.

After 20 years, there's a Simpsons quote for every occasion.:)
JubJib, there isnt a emoticon availible on this website to express my joy at your yellow post. That is a great one.
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