Over the 1K mark

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Is there any way to see what member number we are?
I registered under 1000, and by the time I got back to activate, it was over 1000...just curious if I may have been lucky enough to be The Grand Member...heh. Yeah, I'm lame...

Anyways, congrats on The High Ground! It is off to a fantastic start!

Kansas City, Missouri
(Currently in Bracknell, England)
Originally posted by pdmoderator
As of 7:27 EST, 1003 members.

THR will have the same readership as TFL by the end of January at this rate! :D

- pdmoderator

I surely hope so... last time I checked TFL, the most "looks" at a related post was over 12,000. I wondered what percentage of those ( assuming they were members, which there's no way to know ) would migrate.

Point your mouse at the button called "Profile" under any of your posts; the last number that shows up in the status bar at the bottom of your browser window (IE anyway) is your member number... You are 1013.

Someone named "gaijin" was the magic 1k.

Re: Kamicosmos

Originally posted by Jorah
Point your mouse at the button called "Profile" under any of your posts; the last number that shows up in the status bar at the bottom of your browser window (IE anyway) is your member number... You are 1013.

Someone named "gaijin" was the magic 1k.


Very cool, thanks!

1013...that came up in X-Files quite a bit...cool. Keeps my paranoid conspiracy theorist persona happy!
I'm surprised the place hasn't grown faster. I'd really expected the active TFL members to register en masse, say 5, six thousand. Kinda disappointed at this point that it hasn't happened. Ah well, we'll see.
2A, don't be too disappointed. Many TFL registered users did so a year or more back, hung around for a while, then stopped coming to the board. Their usernames are still registered, but they're dormant. I would guess that TFL had about 2,000 regular visitors (defining "regular" as visiting at least once per week). We've got the bulk of them here right now, particularly the ones who are in the "daily-poster" range! :D I think that we'll probably be in the 1,500-2,000 member range by New Year 2003, and that our growth will be slow but steady from there. This is still REMARKABLY fast growth for a new board, BTW... since opening just after noon on Christmas Eve, we've been adding one new registered user every 3 minutes or so! I'm really pleased that all the hard work on the server, forum structure, etc. by the advance team has paid off by revealing so few problems.
You believe the regular user core is that small? I'd always figured it at roughly one third of the total number. When we've cleaned house at other boards it's usually been about that percentage of active(six months) posters. I've always been curious if anyone has ever tried to figure out an average for boards, active vs casual(registered lurkers, basically) users.
2A, if your criterion for an "active" user is someone who's posted during the past six months, I'm sure you're right - you would be looking at about one-third of registered users. I defined "regular" users as visiting - although not necessarily posting - at least once per week, which is a much higher level of activity! I think that in six months, we will probably be at about a third of TFL's membership numbers, given folks (like you and I) who will spread the word about THR on other Internet gun boards, and to shooting buddies. It's up to all of us to make this place great, and bring others to it!
I was bouncing between TFL & THR last night and saw a lot more folks over here. The transition is happening fast.
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