PACT scale / dispenser combo - any reviews of accuracy?

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Dec 24, 2002
I have a Chargemaster that just went in for a second warranty replacement in one year. RCBS has been great to deal with, but I'm afraid that my luck will eventually run out and I'll have to drop another $300 or so for a replacement.

I'm thinking of getting a PACT next because it has a lifetime warranty.

Has anyone here compared the two machines in terms of dispenser and scale accuracy?
I love mine. It is very accurate. I check on balance beam scale that I have trusted for years. I have checked it with check weights and it is right on the money. Long grain extruded powders are the worst on most dispencers. I always charge light and trickle to top off.
I've been using the PACT set-up ever since it came out. Like the review that was posted said, it is a little on the "slow" side.Since I don't load tons of rounds at a time, the speed is no big deal. And I understand that the newer models have been improved speed-wise and that I could have sent mine in for new firmware that would have speeded it up, but I never messed with that.
I got mine several years ago, on clearance (box was opened I assume another customer bought it then returned it). It seems to work well, depending on what powder you use. Mine works best with stick powder. I use a Lee measure for flake or ball powders. It is a little slow. Also you have to be careful not to bump the desk while it's dispensing.
I have had one for years. Always worked very well. Scale is very consistent. I leave mine on so it doesn't have to warm up. I use it for rifle. It has the new charge ready by the time I have the next bullet seated
I am scared of the PACT electronic scale because of all the bad things I have heard about it. I didn't buy the combination because of the scale and because it's $255. Right now the Hornady combo is on sale for $169 and I have heard good things about it. I'm also in the market so I will be watching this thread.

Good luck.
I have the PACT scale/dispenser combo that I bought in the late nineties. It works fine. I used the scale for regular loading for a long time. It worked fine as well except when I tripped over the wire and the scale did a face plant on the concrete.:)

Compared to a drum style powder measure, it functions too slow for me when doing regular loading. I used it mostly for developing loads as it is easy to change the charge weight without check weighing several throws at the new setting.

I do not use the measure much these days. I purchased a Harrell Precision measure and find it more efficient in developing loads than the automatic dispenser.
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