Panic buying and higher prices

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Feb 29, 2012
San Antonio, TX
I'm not really looking to turn this into some big I hate O'Bama thread, but do most of you really believe that him or his administration or for some, ALL Democrats will take away or drastically change gun laws/2nd Amendment?

I'm sorry, but I don't see how people can think one man or his administration can do that. Do you actually know what is involved to change the U.S. Constitution? People keep saying why are all the gun prices going so high?

Its all the panic buying going on from people who either think the world is coming to an end in December for which your 1,000 guns will help you very little, or its NRA/Political driven with a ton of lies to make people panic into buying guns.

So I'll say this, I'm not buying anymore guns until February 2013 just to prove that earthlings will still be alive and well and no matter who the President is, I'll still have the right to buy and own arms, just at a better price than the next eleven months.
You don't need to change the constitution when you have the authority to choose those who interpret it.
I would say that given the to-date Chicago-shenanigans - while still theoretically being concerned with a second term - that once this is a lame-duck administration... the gloves will come off in a frightening way.
Our leader has already said he will make stronger gun control measures in his second term when he doesn't have to worry about re-election. His AG, Holder is also a strong anti-gunner too, don't forget 'fast and furious'. I have no doubt they will attempt some draconian measures against the second amendment. The way the supreme court stands now it would only take one or two new justices to decide the 2nd amendment really applies to the militia or national guard not to individuals. It's also very likely at least two judges will retire during the next four years. With the Senate likely to stay democratic trouble for gun fanciers is quite possible in the near future. Holder has already mentioned restricting ammo. It wasn't that long ago we had to sine a register everytime we bought pistol ammo, that would be an easy way for the government to get going on gun control again. You can bet the Obama administration would reinstate the assault rifle ban with even stronger restrictions as well. There's no doubt this coming election will be a nail biter and for once it will be the most important election in modern history for shooters.
It's fun to blame politicians, but...

Everything is more expensive as the value of the dollar has plumeted in the last decade. Costs of everything have skyrocketed. This trend will continue until the dollar strengthens and our economy begins to grow over inflation.
No. One more liberal supreme court justice will most certainly NOT change the US Constitution. Yes, it will effect future court decisions.

The Supreme Court, and all the lower state supreme courts and whatnot have a HUGE stake in upholding precedent and maintaining prior decisions, regardless of how those decisions align with the current makup of a current court. If every decision were over-turned with every change in the courts make-up, the court would quickly loose relevance.

We have the Second Amendment to the Constitution. That is HUGE people...HUGE. Plus we have Heller and we have McDonald. Both HUGE decisions, both almost completely supportive of every aspect of the Second Amendment. Those three things are in the books, the first of the three carved literally into stone in countless places.

Gun control is not a liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican issue. There are supporters and opponents of gun control on both side of the political spectrum, and both sides of the aisle. Gun control is, at the national level, a political non-starter. Obama has shown no serious interest in it. Of course he has made this statement or that...blah blah blah...politicians talk. Yes, his congressional voting record is not great but he is not going to tank the second amendment.

Don't panic buy please, I want to be able to buy ammo when I want to.
Prices are rising because the US dollar is being monetized. QE3 is another nail in the coffin of the dollar.
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