Periodic Table of Firearms

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May 6, 2007
Since there are some humorous "Periodic Tables" on the Internet, i thought i'd make one up as the Periodic Table of Firearms.

There's only 103 spaces available, so if you don't see a "insert favorite gun here" then i'm sorry.

Anyway, i hope you like it.

In case the web site can't handle the full size picture, it's located here

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It's scary that I get most of the Sci-Fi gun references. Funny stuff!

Gotta love Marvin the Martian.

Good job!
Science and physics would definitely have been alot easier if tables like this were around in my time.
To tell the truth, i just plumb forgot about the M14. It really should be on there. I thought of the Remington 700, then forgot about it when i could of used it.

But i'm not going to change it. Took me too long to make. I think the wife thinks i'm having some kind of online affair. Well, i sort of am, but not the kind she's thinking of...

Glad everyone is enjoying this. I learned a lot making this too!

The expensive guns coincide with the "noble" gases.....
Ahh, you beat me to it.
Though the gun/noble gas logic thing is that they are non-reactive. So they mix with nothing. Rare, and no accessories. Not sure that is accurately represented.
For the same reason, I'd move the AR one to the left. Violently reactive.
Thought I don't know what kind of salt you get if you mix one mauser with a few AK's.
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