Phasers On Stun

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Dec 25, 2007
Any Chance,

Since New Projectile Tech Coming About A Great Deal Since 9/11, Is There Any Chance Of Non-lethal Ammo To Come Out Anytime Soon For Personal Sel-defense?
Better Yet? Do We Still Hafta Wait Till The 24th Century Before Phasers With Stun Attribute From Star Trek Come About?

Albert Iii
Thanks Dave

Consider The Tazer 12 Gauge Clip A Keeper In My Youtube Playlist Arsenal.
The Sooner They Can Make A Handgun Size, Say 45 Caliber, The Better. Go To 50 Cal If Necessary But Non-lethal Ammo For Private Civillians Like Myself Is Needed Now More Than Ever. Badges & Uniforms R Folly To Keep Such To Themselves.

Albert Iii
I believe it is the general consensus of this board that, if a balance cannot be struck, better to err on the side of lethality.

And a balance, as of now, cannot be struck.

Go watch COPS - whenever there's one cop with a tazer, there's 9 more cops behind him with guns.
So let's say that an effective "stun mode" phaser is invented. One that really works "Pshhhhht" and the target falls down unconscious for an hour or so. (Bear with me folks, perfect world where this thing really works).

How much time do you think we'd have before lethal capability firearms would be outlawed?

Personally the idea of such a device scares the hell out of me because the sociopaths would have free reign while you were out cold and their are CERTAINLY worse things than death that could be done to you! In addition, as has been shown, when a non-lethal device is introduced it gets used MORE and with less and less provocation because (as the mindset goes) "well no lasting harm done right?"

That group of protesters won't disperse? "Pshhhhhht" problem solved and they all wake up in detention. The potential for abuse is staggering when you really can shoot first and still ask questions later.

Of course I could also see the developing game of "stunner tag" developing especially when the robber comes in and he and the store clerk draw at the same time. Then I suppose it's a case of who wakes up first. :evil:
IMO..When all the bugs are worked out of a true working "phaser" stun/kill type weapon only LEO or Govermnent persons will EVER be able to have one.Laws are already written and ready to go on these type devices....

I have seen testing of 100% working Transient Electromagnetic Devices...scary stuff as they are the "phasers" for computers,etc....:evil: They human versions are in prototype stage with size the problem at this time.

Liquid tasers and Rheinmetall W&M plasma tasers are also a devices I have seen tested but size again is the issue and a few other bugs.

I have also tested the new 12ga taser rounds and have seen the smaller prototype versions in 45acp...The idea is NOT new by any means. Here is a very old school 40mm 50,000 volt Electro Muscular Disruption round.

45ACP taser ?

I have also tested the new 12ga taser rounds and have seen the smaller prototype versions in 45acp...
So a 45ACP version is in development??? Now that would be slick! :evil:
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