Photo I.D. - Guns, Ammo & Voting

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I am not in favor of government-issued ID's in general. It is not necessary to the government's only legitimate role of protecting people's natural rights.

So of course I am opposed to any requirement for a government-issued ID for any activity. If private institutions wish to create ID's and require them for certain forms of voluntary, consensual interaction, that is fine.

I am strongly against any sort of prior restraint on natural rights, whereby you have to get some bureaucrat's permission to exercise them. People in this country don't tolerate prior restraints on speech, such as having to get a license to publish a book, but curiously they do on all sorts of other fundamental natural rights, such as the possession of guns (or any other thing for which the mere possession of which does not constitute a violation of someone else's rights). And don't tell me that books and ideas are less dangerous than guns... I can point to many instances where the acceptance and practice of monstrous ideas couched in lofty rhetoric (many times popularized by books) caused the death of millions and the destruction of countless lives over the centuries. What is REALLY dangerous is people indoctrinated by horrible, inhuman ideas making sure that they are the only ones with the guns, so they can easily force their ideas on everyone else.
From the social aspect of the issue asking for an ID to vote is wrong. But we have so many who want to abuse the system. We have to find a way to stop the dead from voting. People vote twice a lot. Once on an absentee ballot and again in the voting both. We have to find a way to keep our elections fair and honest. I can't come up with an answer other than requiring an ID to vote.
Employers want to see a photo ID and a social security card to make sure you are a US citizen

I also have a Social Security card :confused:

Maybe I'm missing something, but I always thought that the only things that could identify you as a US citizen are birth records or passports. Or whatever documentation someone gets when they become a naturalized citizen.
i believe those who give nothing should stay home and let those who pay the taxes that pay for thier ebt cards, medical, rent, electric decide who,s going to spend their tax money.

This is utterly ridiculous. Just because someone is a little down on their luck, and having a hard time finding a job, or may even have a job but might need some assistance, they don't give up their rights. Not everyone with food stamps, or section 8, or cash assistance, etc. is a bum leeching off the government. Grow up.
smalls said:
This is utterly ridiculous. Just because someone is a little down on their luck, and having a hard time finding a job, or may even have a job but might need some assistance, they don't give up their rights. Not everyone with food stamps, or section 8, or cash assistance, etc. is a bum leeching off the government. Grow up.

No, they're just using the power of the state to deprive their neighbors of the product of their labor through force. I wouldn't call them bums... I prefer "moochers" or "looters," like Ayn Rand always referred to them as.

A person asking for the voluntary help of his fellow man is a different matter entirely.
I greatly resent my vote being diluted by folks who are NOT eligible to vote.

We cannot demonstrate fraud has occurred since no one has to show ID.

It is like claiming that if we took away all the speed measuring devices the police use there would be no speeding.
smalls, you're probably well aware, but with VERY few exceptions, there is no difference between a citizen's right to work and a legal resident alien's right to work... employers don't want to see driver's license and socsec card to prove citizenship... just LEGAL RIGHT TO WORK in the US (same for you as all of us). Same deal with guns and ammo... if you're here with our blessing, we treat you as one of us (for the most part).
As for you telling us who should/ shouldn't vote... we presume to tell the rest of the world what constitutes 'free and fair' elections (we've presided over a few with guns).... turnabout is fair play, I suppose. Voting for all legal adults is voting for all legal adults, no matter who says so.
That's what we call "freedom".

Shame on you. I bet you are one of those subversives who believes that our military men and women are honorable role models and that America is a force for good in the world.

You betcha, fer shure!!
topic drift? ok... course correction, got it. :)

I'm pretty sure the politicians trying to BAN id checking at the polls are doing so because they WANT those people to vote. I'm also sure they're pushing for id checks at the gun store/ ammo counter because they don't want them (or anyone else) to have guns. I seriously doubt the hypocrisy has ESCAPED them... the Schumers et al of the world KNOW they promote a double standard here and there to advance their agenda and line their own pockets. I don't imagine they care. If you could really dig down, I think what you'll find for the 'common people' in their hearts is CONTEMPT. They think of the 'little people', minority and otherwise, as best pandered to only so they can be EXPLOITED, CONTROLLED, and then told to SHUT UP. They seem to have rejected (not forgotten, REJECTED) the notion that the average citizen is SUPPOSED to be their master.
If it is illegal to require a photo ID to vote it should be illegal to require a photo ID to buy a gun or ammo.

With all due respect to those who have suffered from gun violence -- a few wrong votes can cause a lot more damage than a box of ammo.
We were a bit over zealous with the trash a month ago, my voter registration card went bye-bye. I had to show ID to get it replaced, I'd have been astonished if I didn't have to show ID. I just don't see the big deal with obtaining ID in order to demonstrate that one is lawfully entitled to vote, especially when the government makes it easy to obtain suitable ID.

I left a country with very little government integrity, particularly with respect to elections. I may be over stating my case here, but I didn't make the journey to US citizenship to end up where I started. And I know I won't. But, I plan to keep a sharp eye out for any nonsense, and I've earned the right to raise hell if and when I see it.
bikemutt, nothing would make me happy quite like if every natural-born American citizen treasured their citizenship and its freedoms as much as those who had to earn theirs. bless, and thanks for sharing.
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