Piers Morgan is winning...

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I've only watched the show during the gun control debate. I found some of the pro-gun people to have good points but to be inneffective debaters. Alex Jones was a screaming moron. Cpl. Joshua Boston had his head on pretty straight and held his own fairly well, but he comes across more a normal guy rather than experienced debater. Definitely a guy to have your back in a rough place though. Ben Shapiro did the best up to now against Morgan, both at holding his own and at picking Morgan's idiotic "points" apart.
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Alex Jones was a screaming moron.

That guy and his interview was pure liability for the pro-2A side. If I set out to do a black propaganda operation to have an alleged spokesperson for the pro-2A community deliberately demolish and delegitimize gun rights in the eyes of viewers, I don't think I could have come up with a better strategy and presentation than Jones delivered.
Does anybody take Piers Morgan seriously? I doubt it. In any case, he's preaching to the choir (of antigunners). I would suggest it's a mistake for anyone on the pro-gun side to appear on his program. Nothing good can come of it.
Evidently antis do! It doesn't matter that his own countrymen think he is a charlatan, liar, and isn't welcome back in the U.K.

It doesn't matter to him what is written in the constitution. It doesn't matter to him that AR-15s aren't military assault rifles, but just resemble them.

All that doesn't matter, and his followers, even knowing what a treasonous scoundrel he was in his own country, still bow and kiss his feet.

Piers Morgan is a loser. Those who blindly follow his rantings are just ignorant.

I also agree that Alex Jones is off-his-bob. That much has been evident for quite some time.
At the same time you have to ask yourself, even if he is getting some ink.....how big of a deal is that really? This is the most people have ever noticed him. If this is their voice, how good is that?

I doubt he's changing very many minds in either direction.
the gun grabbers have had 20 years to counter the logic and rhetoric of the NRA and other groups. It is down to folks like us to re-frame the argument.

Also, it is worth mentioning that if you look back in any state there are numerous records of local law enforcement engaging in corruption and intimidation (think Katrina). That is the tyranny that we need our guns for. I think the pre-occupation with countering the fed is a horse of a different color. I think that the movie Lawless was based on a true story. Just saying...
I don't know at all that THEY have been making the points for 20 years. In 20 years, we have had Heller, McDonald, 41 of 50 states are shall-issue, ARs have gone mainstream, Obama ignored guns for his first term, and until now, no one has taken an AWB seriously at all.
My question to you is why is it important to you how loudly we say NO?

It needs to be screamed so loudly and so often that they understand emphatically and with no misunderstanding. NO.
...points in the current political climate. The common thread with all his interviews with pro-gun people is that we need guns to protect us from the government. Result? "All gun owners are wild eyed militia types."

If we're ever going to really get anywhere and not constantly be coming back to this same rush to the barricades we need to break down stereotypes of firearms owners. We need to promote firearms ownership through firearms sports for the wholesome, family oriented activities they are. We need to put in the public face the fact that the only thing making the firearms community anything short of inclusive is their own bigotry.

We need to get people with irrational fear of firearms ownership to see us as individuals, not statistics. We need to force them to make laws that deal with individuals rather than "them".

I sincerely hope any ads the NRA runs starts working on presenting the wholesome side rather than just a barricaded, 2nd Amendment stance.
A couple of things, first off, you're not going to beat an individual such as Morgan in "his" environment, everything is presented almost exclusively from his perspective, contrasted by his handpicked wack-jobs, such as an Alex Jones!

Secondly, on the rare occasion when we do squeaze one past the goaltender, landing a bright, articulate, proponent, such as the the young lad from Brietbart the other day on the program, it is enormously deflating when that bright, articulate, proponent sandbags the entire 2nd amendment community, by agreeing across the board to universal nics, which is literally opening the door wide, to registration, as reasonable, which its not!
Piers Morgan only wins if you sit through his wretched excuse for a show.

If you want tl stick it to him, write, call, email or fax your elected representatives.

If you cant do that, donate to NRA-ILA or The Second Amendment Foundation.

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