Plan Ahead for that summer vacation

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May 25, 2007
Yea!:D Get in the car, Drive 1500 miles:rolleyes: go to Dizzyland, see some fine looking folks:scrutiny:Pay for, rides-hotel- drinks-food-sunburn treatment-parking-car repair speeding tickets-that cute gizmo x number of kids:what: OR----:cool: come to Kemmerer Wyoming for either RWVA Boot camp, or the Appleseed shoot Sept 22-23, 2007, You yes you can,still go on vacation, still get all the vacation stuff, sunburn, speeding tickets etc but the really cool deal is you can do it with your familly AND A RIFLE:uhoh: uh-oh you say,but I can,t afford that for me and the kiddos and the little woman----:cuss: Pay attention now, 70$ thats right SEVENTY BUCKS, 2 complete days, the best rifle instruction you can get and its in Wonderful Wyoming, oh did I tell ya the kiddos are free? No pressure, not like your gun club buddies snickering at you, SAFETY great folks (shooting,lots of shooting) and the chance to support your Country, Your Second Ammendment Rights,
Why would inviting members to a shooting event on a GUN-ORIENTED message board be "spam"?

It is too far from me but thanks for the invite!
nope no spam here guys, just want everybody to know about a great place to go and shoot- maybe all the little blinky guys was a little over the top--- risky
I hate to see this disapear off the bottom of the thread, so I will just freshen it up a little, really, this is a great time guys and I would like to see as many folks show up as possible, either to the boot camp (week long) or the Appleseed (2 days) For those who dont know about the Appleseed program, it's certianly easy to check out:, and well worth the visit too, were all about the 2nd Ammendment and promoting shooting, our heritage as a nation of riflemen, and how to keep our freedoms.
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