Please allow me to introduce myself.

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Jan 3, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA.
My name is Brian. I currently live in Baton Rouge, LA. I was born in SE Texas. I would like to move back soon.
(My good friends and family are there.)
I found this site by accident some time ago.
I was a lurker.
This is a very good site. I like the format, and there is a wealth of information here.
I look forward to being here.

Welcome to THR, Tactical Texan! Agreed that there is a buncha info on shooting topics here!
Welcome, and come on back home soon as you get the chance. At least you're not very far away (I spent 22yrs on the east coast before I was able to come back.)

You're right - this is a good group with a wealth of info here.

Welcome to THR!!! Good to have another Texican on the panel. Pretty soon well have "them" outnumbered!

Livin in Texas
In before someone makes a "tactical" reference. :neener:

Welcome to THR and enjoy your stay. :)
Glad to have another Texan on board. There's never too many of us, and the rest are just jealous. LoL :neener: :cool: :p
"I'm a man of wealth and taste"

Oh, sorry, sixties flashback..

Welcome Tex

Yo TT...welcome to THR...I've been to Fort Worth, Dallas, and my favorite stop...the Alamo in San Antonio in my travels for the DOD...loved the River Walk...I'll be takin the wife there next time out...

hoo hoo...hoo hoo... :evil: ( Stones Tour in Philly '72 )
Welcome to THR Brian.

I lived in San Antonio for a year. The fact that it was a truly awful year for me probably colored my perceptions of Texas. I'm sure it's a much nicer state than my memories would lead me to believe. ;)

Oh, and dfaugh, thanks for making the "I'm a man of wealth and taste" reference. Now I don't have to. :neener:
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