Please sign this "Secure Our Borders" petition, it's easy!!!!

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Sorry, but when any Web site wants that much personal information from me, they can do without my participation. Something smells here... :scrutiny:
The highly secure border around the Soviet Union was one of the things that helped to bankrupt it.

And it didn't work anyway.


"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
-- Emma Lazarus
Hey All.

I'd like to hear some thoughts from people about immigration. Its not a subject about which I have a strong opinion, for lack of good information. I know that Libertarianism is often criticized for its take on immigration, but I need to study that some more.

What do youse guys think about:

1. What attracts illegal immigrants (I know the pat answers, dig a little deeper)
2. Is there a self-regulating economic solution (is that the Libertarian solution?)?
3. Can we realistically physically secure our borders?
4. Is there a legitimate anaolgy between the War on Drugs and a "War on Illegal Immigration"?
5. Whatever else you think is important to this issue.


OK, I signed it, gave a phony phone number. I'd better not wind up on some junk mailing list, cause I'll know where it came from.
The highly secure border around the Soviet Union was one of the things that helped to bankrupt it.

And it didn't work anyway

IIRC, the Soviet Union's goal was to keep people IN, not keep people OUT.
Just an observation............
I gave a cell phone number which can be blocked, did not grant permission to receive partner group mailings and gave a P.O.Box.

No big deal.

I also have only received one confirmation e-mail from them on the subject and that's it, relax guys.
The highly secure border around the Soviet Union was one of the things that helped to bankrupt it.

Yes, of course... and while you may be able to keep (some) workers and businessmen out, terrorists and spies will ALWAYS get in. Half-assed "security" is more damaging than lesser means of terrorism.
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