Please vote for Tom McClintock!

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Seriously, I am contemplating voting for Bustyourmoney. I think maybe it will hasten the return of the Gods of the Copybook Headings. Might make businesses goto NH.:evil:
You know what that poll means? It means that there are a whole lot of people in CA that would vote McClintock if they weren't afraid that it would give the Gub to Bustamexican.

Instead of the truth of that, we get all this 'don't throw your vote away' crapola and as a result of all that fear-mongering you people are going to end up with Conan the Republican. A RINO. A gun-grabber. A power-hungry hollywood elitist Kennedy-marrying newbie.

Have fun.

- Gabe :banghead:
I voted by mail for McClintock; I don't feel that I "threw my vote away" and that, in the privacy of the polling booth, a lot of gun enthusiasts and Conservatives will vote for the only truly qualified candidate -- McClintock.

(Remember "Dewey vs. Truman"?).....PLEASE, if you are a California resident, ignore the BS surrounding the polls and get off your aXX and
vote for the only one who cares about US!
All that poll means is that either of the two Republican candidates would beat Bustamonte if they were running alone. Unfortunately, with both of them running and the vote split, the poll is irrelavent. Gotta go with the guy in front.
Why do I have this sick feeling that the guy in front often gets to be the guy in front because everybody just 'has to go with the guy in front'...

- Gabe
If you have to go with the guy in front, at least go with the guy you really want right up to the last minute: answer polls, talk to acquaintances, write letters, as if you are going with the guy you want. That way you can be a positive force to influence the public until the situation is hopeless, if you insist on backing the lesser of two evils. war criminal BUSH......IS ...... sadly a better choice than Basta Monty.

All a result of puppet government perfected by the top puppet of all, Roony Raygun.

This is what we have descended to by pandering to corporate America.

Jobs overseas and massive debt to be paid by us TO the likes of Bechtel and Halliburton.

And Kaleevonia vill be no diffrunt.

And why my gold pile grows with every dip in price.

The USA told me to GTH long ago. Well they can follow the trail I blazed.

(but I got off)

Do not trust ANYTHING an American poll-a-tician ever says. He will feather his nest and bury you deeper than Kruschev EVER promised.

McClintock is a better man.

But they don't always win.


Article in yesterday's paper. Median household retirement acct: $24,000
Median household debt: $39,000

..................... g o n e...............flip dat switch an go home.
Voting for McClintock is anything BUT throwing your vote away.
When you vote for someone who doesn't represent what you believe in, THENthat is throwing your vote away. lLook at the statements the people against McClintock are making.
All I see here is Arnold can win. What I can't seem to find are statements like Arnold is the best man for the job.
It's really simple. Why vote for someone who doesn't represent your beliefs and values? Especially when there is someone who does--McClintock!
McClintock CAN WIN! He needs every one of you out there who agrees he is the best man to be true to what you believe in and vote for the best man. Not the guy who you think can win. Vote for the candidate you want.

Aren't you tired yet of voting for the lesser of 2 evils?
Oh well...
Vote for what you believe in. If you believe in expedience and compromise then vote that way.
I'm done with it.
I say McClintock is the best man for the job and he gets my vote.

One more thing...
This entire recall discussion has been highly enjoyable.
I would like to thank all who have participated because whether or not we agree, the arguments have been thought-provoking and passionate.
The best thing I can say about the recall is twofold
1. It has gotten people involved again in the political process.
2. It is a wakeup call to every politician in America--People are starting to care again

Thanks for the lively debate,

Now--back to the arguments
Why do I have this sick feeling that the guy in front often gets to be the guy in front because everybody just 'has to go with the guy in front'...
Human's are not the only species to exhibit this ba-a-a-a-havior.

If you have to go with the guy in front, at least go with the guy you really want right up to the last minute:
It IS the last minute.
I hate polls.

John Engler back in 1990 could not win here. WEll, he won despite being down 20% during the election if you believe the polls.

The only one getting my vote here would be TOM McClintock. Gun grabbing is unacceptable. PERIOD.
Face it folks: Ahnold is nothing more than Klinton wearing an elephant on his lapel instead of a donkey!

He will do NADA to deliver California to the GOP next year, or in five years when Hitlery runs, and in the meantime, he'll do nothing to resolve the state's fiscal problems, either, cause he won't know how to work with the legislature.

A Republican divorced from conservatism on all social issues is just a greedy liberal who'll line his own pockets while he's busy handing out money to gays, illegal immigrants, gun-grabbers and baby-killers.

Don't throw your vote away.

Vote for McClintock. It's pretty easy to figure out why. I have come up with these potential scenarios to show the possible outcomes:

1.) People vote against their conscience for Arnold. He wins by a landslide. Bustamonkey looses, but it doesn't matter. Arnold signs whatever anti-gun bill comes across his desk because he is a know-nothing RINO Kennedy. Gun rights take just as big a punch-to-the-nutz as they would if Bustyamoney had his way. McClintock, a man of principle, loses badly and his political career is over. (Bad Ending)

2.) People vote for McClintock, but Arnold wins anyway because he is a RINO, and thus is keen with all the know-nothings that would be entertained to have the Terminator in office and theose who are worried about throwing their vote away. The Republican leadership gets the message that McClintock is fairly popular in California and continue to sponsor him after Arnold gets recalled. He eventualy gets into office as governor, or a Senator, or some such office. (Happy Ending)

3.) People vote for McClintock and Arnold loses to the Cruzinator; California shudders in agony, things get just as bad as if Arnold had won. Arnold is disappointed in the lost race (and the co$t of his campaign) and gives up on politics, concentrating instead on his collection of Hummers, cigars, and ugly women. When King Cruz ends his term, McClintock is endorsed by the Republicrats and wins the next election. Someday, McClintock serves two terms as President, one as the Republican candidate, the next as a Libertarian. (Happy Ending)

4.) People vote for McClintock. He wins, and everyone is happy. The Peoples Republic of California eventually becomes a bastion of freedom and liberty, but eventually breaks off and falls into the sea. (Happy Ending)

So, the choice is easy, really. Vote for the future. Remember "no future but the one we make." - Sarrah Connor
Imagine being held at gunpoint while your wife is raped. You are told not to struggle or you will both die. What are ya going to do, sit back and watch? Personally, I will fight. (Yes, my wife and I have discussed such a scenario) Sure, my wife and I might both die, but guess what, I will have done the right thing. A vote for Arnold is just a vote to watch your wife being raped. No thanks, I'll fight and vote for McClintock because my morals DEMAND such a vote.

I look at it like "a vote for Arnie the communist" is NOT a vote for pro-gun, pro-life, pro-freedom, pro-constitution Tom McClintock.
what is a RINO?

When did McClintock state he will veto all gun-control bills? (desirable)

And more important: when did he state he will layoff half of all state bureaucrats by governor edict? (mucho desirable)

I must've missed all this while cable news stations ignored him...
Tom is the only choice!

arnold is from the bill clinton school of politics.
have a cigar,guns for me not thee.
arnie is the one "splitting" the vote
Senator McClintock has the experience,strength & faith
to lead CA and the USA.
God Bless Him!
He is getting my vote!
I voted Saturday, via absentee ballot - for McClintock. I didn't waste my vote; I expressed my preference.

These people who "always vote for the winner" are the ones who got us to this point.

"It's a lot better to vote for what you want and not get it than to vote for what you don't want and get it!"
arnie is the one "splitting" the vote
Ain't that the truth. Talk about a 'spoiler'. You have on the ticket in CA the one man who just might have the balls to keep that state from crashing and he's the one spoiling the election? I don't think so.

- Gabe
You know if THR was a good representation of the PRK, we would all win and McClintock would be governor. However, THR is not a good representation of California. How do we know? Look at the political environment in our politically pathetic state. All of you have deluded yourselves into thinking that there are no more liberals in this state. You have convinced yourselves that for some unthinkable reason, all the moderates in this state are suddenly behind McClintock. Better yet, you haven't even considered that, you just think that there are enough conservatives in this state to not only split the Republican vote, but to also surpass the liberal vote for Bustamante. Wake up and smell the coffee conservative brothers and sisters. WE LOST THE LAST ELECTION!!! Why has everyone forgot that. We had a conservative candidate that supported everything that McClintock does now. It was between the worst of both sides. Who won? The liberal. Why? WE LIVE IN A LIBERAL STATE!!! Why have you all forgot that?

If we couldn't get enough votes to win one on one, what makes you think that with a strong moderate candidate, that all of these liberals are going to convert straight over to McClintock? They won't. Elections are won in the middle. McClintock cannot get the middle votes in California. Wish and dream away, but it is not going to happen. Yeah, McClintock gets the THR vote, but this is not a state of THR members as is obvious by the current gun regulations and everything else that is messed up in this state.

I can't say it enough times, this state is liberal. It is full of liberals. There are a large number of conservatives, but by no means a majority. When you split the party into two, who do you think is going to get the crucial moderate voters? A moderate or a strong conservative? Wait, actually, it doesn't matter what you think, it matters what moderates think. Why can't anyone see that we are playing right into the Davis plan again! We voted our conscience and got Bill Simon. We put up a strong conservative. He lost. Who wanted to face Bill Simon over the by far more liberal than Schwarzenegger Riordan? GREY DAVIS! Who wants to get as many votes for McClintock as possible other than McClintock? GREY DAVIS and CRUZ BUSTAMANTE!!! Why? The split republican vote will insure a Democrat victory.

Sorry, but Grey is done as of today. He will not survive the recall. Who do you want in? Bustamante who is running on the platform of raising taxes and who has a known record against everything we stand for? Or a guy who says he wants less government and wants to lower our taxes when he can? Come on people. It isn't hard. McClintock is too conservative for this state. Don't delude yourself into thinking otherwise.

Vote Schwarzenegger. Not because he is the best candidate, but because he is the best option we have. Don't convince yourselves that there are suddenly more conservatives in this state than there are. There are more moderates this time around and if they are going to vote for anyone, it will be Schwarzenegger. DO NOT ELECT CRUZ BUSTAMANTE WITH A VOTE FOR McCLINTOCK.
Oh great, what we need, a Bin Laden vs Saddam debate.. :D

Vote for the libertarian candidate if you don't give a rat's behind about who has a chance and who doesn't and you are voting strictly on who will do the most to protect the 2nd Amendment.

That said, I'd give McClintock the vote for the simple fact that I can spell his last name!!

If you think the Terminator is bad at acting, wait until he tries his hand at governing!:what:
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