Police Stop Man Wearing Armored Helmet, Vest In SUV

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Dec 24, 2002
Moscow on the Colorado, TX
Police Stop Man Wearing Armored Helmet, Vest In SUV

POSTED: 2:29 pm EDT May 11, 2005
UPDATED: 9:54 am EDT May 12, 2005

SCARSDALE, N.Y. -- A 43-year-old man wearing a bulletproof helmet and vest and carrying suspicious equipment in his SUV was taken into police custody Wednesday after he was pulled over and restrained with a stun gun, a police official said.

However, no immediate danger was found and the man was not arrested, said White Plains police Commissioner Frank Straub. He was taken to police headquarters for questioning and was to be taken later Wednesday to a hospital for a psychiatric evaluation, said Inspector Daniel Jackson.

"We have an individual who is acting in a very unusual behavior," Straub said. "It's still an open investigation. We need to do some more work to determine exactly what his intent was."

Straub said a member of an FBI task force spotted the man driving near the Kensico Reservoir in north White Plains while wearing a Kevlar helmet and a "tactical vest."

As the man drove south on Route 22, White Plains police were called and asked to stop him. He was pulled over just beyond the Scarsdale border and had to be restrained with the help of the stun gun, Straub said.

In the car, police found wires, batteries, a circuit board, a camera mounted on the dashboard and several canisters, one of which contained an unidentified liquid, the commissioner said.

Several houses in the area were evacuated and the Westchester County bomb squad was called in, he said. A bomb-sniffing dog found no explosives and the vehicle was later taken away by police as residents returned to their homes.

However, no immediate danger was found and the man was not arrested, said White Plains police Commissioner Frank Straub. He was taken to police headquarters for questioning and was to be taken later Wednesday to a hospital for a psychiatric evaluation, said Inspector Daniel Jackson.

So what exactly was his crime? What are the charges?
Nothing found, no crime committed, and yet he now has a "history" of mental problems that will come up in any further police contact, and his SUV was impounded? Good grief.
A container of unidentified liquid near a reservior, I should think that bottled water sales'll skyrocket for awhile. He need not be arrested for a psych eval - I'd love to see the dashcam tape from that one.
In the car, police found wires, batteries, a circuit board, a camera mounted on the dashboard and several canisters, one of which contained an unidentified liquid, the commissioner said.
Sounds like the po-po on a stakeout.

I'm in the process of moving fromthat area. Kensico reservoir is teh last stop for NYC's water. The local police have closed the road across the top of the dam. In addition to the damage to NYC, if the dam goes, so will a lot of White Plains.
Whoa, I'm glad I don't have any wires, batteries, or circuit boards in my car :rolleyes:

Perhaps there is more to this than what has been brought to our attention. I would like to know what the "unidentified liquid" was, and if he had been charged with anything.
Poor Ninja was just trying to get to the mall safely and gets hallled by the man.
and if he had been charged with anything.

Hey there Rip Van Winkle, this is the "New (and improved) America". You don't have to be charged with anything to be taken away. We're in the "War on Terror" and from what I can ascertain - anything goes.
Kids, we have no idea of the guy's behavior. You cannot take someone in for a eval on a whim, you have to be able articulate that he posed a threat to himself or others or was unable to care for himself. You cannot do it just because someone is weird.

Isnt this the same group that has a multi-page thread on the best gas mask in case of bio-attack? This could be the big chance to try'em out and see if anyone actually knows what they are talking about. If you are at the local park and some dude strolls in wearing a K-Pot and Kevlar, you wouldnt find someplace else to gnaw on your KFC?
Individuals can be detained for a period if the police are investigating. I don't remember how long it is, but the article doesn't state he was arrested. I'm curious as to why a stun gun was needed.

We're missing something critical here.
logical wrote:

"Poor Ninja was just trying to get to the mall safely and gets hallled by the man."

:D how crazy

im still wondering how they used a stun gun to subdue him but not arrest him? isnt the use of force in fact an arrest?
i used to drive my VW thing thru amish country with the windshield folded, while wearing safety glasses and a roman plumed hockey helmet.

Emmit's clan is prolly still talking about that day MAD MAX passed the horse buggy.

I think nowadays simply driving a VW Thing would get one stopped for odd behavior:) I don't see any of those around anymore.
Suggestion, boys and girls: Do NOT do anything "weird". Do NOT attract unwanted attention. People who are not normal are by definition a threat.
Do NOT do anything "weird". Do NOT attract unwanted attention. People who are not normal are by definition a threat.

Thats for darn sure. I wear one of these in the winter:

I have not seen any others in my town. Nice and warm, and on the walk home after work, I have the hood pulled up to keep the cold night air off my head. A couple of times, I've had the local police check me out, slowly driving by two or three times as I make my home.
Driven in NYC lately?

"Straub said a member of an FBI task force spotted the man driving near the Kensico Reservoir in north White Plains while wearing a Kevlar helmet and a 'tactical vest.'"

Sounds as if he was on his way home from the Bronx. Or heading to LA to cruise the freeways.....
wearing a Kevlar helmet and a 'tactical vest.'"

opps, remember, those are LEO only toys, not for us. Still dont see a crime here, except the poor fellow was drawing way to much attention to himself, still not a crime though.
Back in art school, we used to pontificate that
since we were such highly trained aesthetics,
we should have Registered Artist ID cards.

Get pulled over by the art critics while covered in feathers?
Show yer R.A. get out of jail free card.

I would hate for Bufford Justice to peek in my trunk.
I don't even have an explaination for some of the interesting stuff that i cart about.
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