POLL: Resolution calling for repeal of NY SAFE Act

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Just took awhile to load. And I am on a pretty decent internet connection. Results as of now:

71.7% Yes
26% No
2.3% I don't know
It should not be repealed, it should be struck down by the Courts so that such legislation may never be enacted again in the State of New York.
If he said that kind of thing about any other category of people, be it race, religion, sexuality, anything, he'd be in deep trouble.
He's lucky that gun owners tend to be a law abiding bunch of folk.
To be perfectly honest I hope they do NOT repeal this law.

Let me repeat. I'm hoping the end result is NOT them repealing their own illegal legislation. That would leave the door open for their next attempt.

I want to see the Courts, correctly, find this to be an un-Constitional infringement of our natural, State and Federally-protected Civil Rights. In writing as precedent.

I am not of the belief that politicians should be allowed to make deals or negotiate away anyone's Civil Rights like they just did here in NY. What would happen if next year the next "Governor Connelly" bullied into law the re-segregation of that state's public schools, justifying it by saying "but if it can save just one life"...? Wouldn't every politician from both parties along with every news outlet be screaming bloody murder in unison?
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