Poodle Control, Alaskan Style!

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Dec 26, 2002
Kodiak, Alaska
Mother moose kills miniature poodle
ATTACK: Protective cow stomps dog in owner's back yard.

The Associated Press

(Published: June 20, 2003)
KENAI -- Sally Youngberg's 13-year-old miniature poodle, Peaches, was stomped by a moose in her back yard.

"I let her out, ... and she was chasing a robin," Youngberg said. "A mother moose saw her and ran across (my) yard. She reared up and came down on her with front hooves three times."

Peaches died instantly.

Youngberg said the cow moose was accompanied by a very young calf.

"I'm not sure if the moose was startled, because she came from a full charge from around the side of my house," she said.

Youngberg lives in Soldotna just behind Central Peninsula General Hospital. Her back yard is fenced on three sides, but she has seen moose step right over the fence. She said there is a wooded area near the hospital where moose tend to gather.

Youngberg said she was concerned because there were children living in the neighborhood and hospital patients who, because of physical conditions, might not be able to avoid a run-in.

"We did call animal control," Youngberg said. "They said they would just come and shoot it if it happened again."

Alaska Fish and Game area biologist Jeff Selinger said his office generally handles calls like this based on the situation.

"If we see a moose and the moose acts in a manner that is defending her calf and moving on, then we're going to leave her alone," he said. "If it is acting overly aggressive, we may have to dispatch the animal."
I think the Ak Fish and feathers guys are right on. They should dispatch those darn agressive poodles!!!!!!!!!!
"We did call animal control," Youngberg said. "They said they would just come and shoot it if it happened again."
And in related news, the doggie that was ordered over the internet to be Peaches II was very, very worried about her fate.

Bullwinkle poached Peaches.

and the rest, as they say, is history.
BTW I would suggest reading Gary Paulson's books; Winterdance, Dogsong, and others. He used to live in northern MN. Used dogsled to run his trapline. Then ran the Iditarod (sp) race in Alaska.

Lots of good stuff. He mentions how bad Moose are, they seem to kill a fair number of sled dogs.
I hope the moose wasn't affiliated with a police department in any way. The folks at Legal and Political will be all over the Jack Booted Moose! :)
I remember when I lived in Alaska a few years back, we had a similar situation happen near us at a camping area at Lake Louise. We had some neighbors in camp that had one of those huge "Hotels on Wheels". You know Pilgrims from the Lower 48. Anyway, they had a little "Yap Yap" Pekinese, I think. Anyway...this thing yapped so much that most of the campers were starting to draw straws to decide who was going to make it have an accident, or ask the people to vacate. About mid morning while everyone was having their after fishing cup of coffee, the dog was yapping as usual, and all of a sudden, there was this yelping, and the yelping faded into the distance. Apparently one of the local Eagles was bored with fish and decided that the noisy pooch would make a nice buffet for its babies. And who said there was no justice in this world. Anyway...the lady was a slobbering mess, and they packed up and left. There was a nice cheer around as they drove off. I kinda felt bad for the fella with her though. It is a shame to have a trip of a lifetime ruined by a worthless hound and a Stedford Wife.

All I can say is, "Welcome to Alaska!"
I like it when a deal comes together :D

They do cats...got this neighbor you see...actually do they do Toyotas? Neighbor a bit rowdy with cats just thinking the problem could be solved next time they head out together...;)
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