Poor, poor Canada, it is all America's fault, like usual.

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Logistics said:

I am ALL for a huge wall......it's not rediculous, it's common sense for a country to keep out uninvited guests.

We're going to put a wall up on the sourthern border - a moat filled with magnet carrying aligators would be better for Canada. The magnets could snag all the guns trying to sneak across the border killing peaceful citizens of Canada.
Well, I blame them for Americans being fat, because they are the source of bacon and half the illegal maple syrup that enters this country.
e-mail response from Mayor Miller's office:

Dear Jon,

Thank you for your email letter. As the Mayor receives thousands of letters every week he asked that I respond on his behalf. However, all correspondence is shared with the Mayor.

I will too share your thoughts as well as your concerns with the Mayor as well as staff.

The recent violence in our city is a concern for all of Toronto.

The Mayor is saddened and angered that such a brazen act of senseless violence would be perpetrated on Toronto's main street on Boxing Day or any other day when city residents and visitors gather to go about their business and enjoy their lives.

The Mayor has extended his condolences to the families and friends of the victims and has urged anyone who may have witnessed this horrific crime to contact police so the perpetrators can be brought to justice. He is confident that Toronto Police will find those involved in this crime.

The problem of guns on our streets has many facets, and the City is attacking the problem from many different angles.

There is no doubt that the flow of guns makes illegal firearms more accessible on the streets of Toronto, and therefore makes it easier for gun crimes to happen. Mayor Miller has been in conversation with Prime Minister Paul Martin to discuss this issue and look at ways to stop this flow at the border. But there is much more that the City is doing:

The Toronto Police Service Board has approved a motion introduced by Mayor David Miller to hire at least 150 new police officer using a cost shared program introduced by the Provincial Government.

We have great confidence in Police Chief Bill Blair, who is enhancing community policing, which gives the City great power both to prevent crime, and to enforce the law. Toronto Police have now deployed all available officers to our most vulnerable communities.

Mayor David Miller has been vocal in completely supports the ban of hand guns and believes those caught with guns must go to jail.

I encourage you to contact the Hon. Irwin Cotler, Minister of Justice at< [email protected] > and the Hon. Michael Bryant, Ontario's Attorney General, < http://www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/english/comments.asp >to discuss sentencing issues.

Toronto City Council created the Mayor's Advisory Panel on Community Safety to guide the City in preventing violence and building safe communities. The panel first met on April 6, 2004 to begin developing a plan that could be successfully implemented in partnership with the public, private and community-based sectors. Initiatives will continue to be announced over the next few months. Presently, the Community Safety Panel

* works with residents and local agencies to co-ordinate neighborhood action plans in at-risk neighborhoods
* works with City departments, agencies boards and commissions to ensure that enough resources are dedicated to programs and services in at-risk communities
* identifies employment, job training and or internship opportunities for youth
* works with councillors to develop community safety initiatives in their wards
* manages the Crisis Response Program to provide immediate supports to Toronto neighborhoods in crisis
* works with other levels of government on issues such as gun control, sentencing alternatives and youth employment
* liaises with a designated senior Toronto Police Service officer.

Once again, Thank you for your e-mail.
Joanne Miller
The Canadian PM quoted gun crime stats to Secretary of State Rice
on her visit; those who bothered to follow up found that police
records did not back his claim that most Canadian crime guns came
from the USA.

Last night on a re-run of Urban Legends, the show claimed that one
of the debunked urban legends showcased that night had been
used in a speech by a Canadian PM.

What are the qualifications for Prime Minister of Canada?

Crime causes poverty and illegal guns, not the other way round.
"From the Wheatfields of the west to the Athabasca tar sands in the east, Canada has rich natural resouces of value to all Americans."

Wheatfields - west.
Oilsands - west.

Ironically, the way the country is shaped many maritimers can't understand why Ontario is called the east:)
"everything bad about Canada is an American import"

Actually, I read somewhere that socialist Mayor Miller was from the San Francisco Bay area, or at least got his education there, and my opinion about him is: he's pretty bad.
Thumbs down

(Sorry to sound un-High Roadish, but this Mayor is pushing the handgun ban big-time).
Lionhill said:
Can you find that blog for me? We need all the firewood we can find right now.

Thanks for asking. I did a quick search on +canada and +"half the guns" and got:

Mr. Wilkins said that Canadian officials admitted in meetings with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice this week "that that figure was just grabbed out of thin air." He insisted the Canadian government should focus on joint efforts to combat gun-running rather than pointing fingers.





And on, and on, and on...

Peet (Happy New Year!)

Edited to add: Canada: We're not Americans, eh.
What a bunch of maroons...
I'm still waiting to find out if calling Canadians a color is a good thing ... or a bad thing ... But I'm glad this thread (as many other Canada threads in the past have) didn't turn into wholesale Canada-bashing. How aboot them Sens, eh?
TexasSIGman said:
I think we should just invade and annex. Wouldn't take more than, what, 20 minutes maybe?

Yeah, that's what Thomas Jefferson thought, too.

Guess you don't remember 1812...

From time to time our friends to the north participate in wargames with US soldiers. On more than one occasion, the Canadians firmly trounced Americans by focusing on disabling key technologies that we depend on first, and then falling back to conventional warfare techniques that our own troops might be rather soft on due to their dependence on technology.
I know people up there. In fact, seeing "young woman killed in Toronto" made me think of one. Most of them are good, sensible minded, and I'd say about the only good thing about the NAFTA and all that crap is that it'll make it alot easier for them to get down here among other sensible minded people.
I wonder who Great Britain and Australia and some of the other anti-gun countries blame for exporting all those criminal guns into their countries.

Incidentally, about half of Canada lives in Florida and Texas during the winter. And Canadian fishing is still fantastic in the summer. That's when the Floridians and lots more of us return the favor to Canada.

Well, if half of their guns came from the US, then we should demand that they send them back to us right now. :p

In fact, just to show how good hearted I am, I will take some of them and keep them safe here in MT so they don't "cause" any crime in Canada. ;)

From the Wheatfields of the west to the Athabasca tar sands in the east
Lucky already corrected this but I couldn't help chiming in ... actually the tar sands would be pretty much west (and north) of most of the wheatfields - both of which generally in the vast middle of the country. Gosh, I only hope we know more about the geography of a country than that before invading it ... :rolleyes:

I still would like to see the "empty quarter" of the US (MT, ID, WY, ND) break away and join Alberta and Saskachewan to make a new country :) .
Old Dog said:
I'm still waiting to find out if calling Canadians a color is a good thing ... or a bad thing ... But I'm glad this thread (as many other Canada threads in the past have) didn't turn into wholesale Canada-bashing. How aboot them Sens, eh?
maroons used here is of course the deliberate mispronunciation of the word morons,as used by Bugs Bunny,in the ironically appropiately named Loony Tunes animated programs.
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