Positive shooting weekend w/ some newer shooters

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May 14, 2003
Waco, TX
This weekend I took 4 guys camping out on our land in central Texas. Almost every daylight activity that we did involved guns and we all had a blast. We did a lot of feral hog hunting (killed 4 of the buggers), shot skeet and did some pistol target shooting. These guys weren't anti or anything going out there but two of them had little experience shooting and 2 of them had done their fair share of shooting but don't currently own any guns and don't shoot regularly. I provided guns for the guys that couldn't get one and went over the gun safety rules and by the end of the weekend each one had at some point expressed interest in owning one of the guns that I have (the most popular were the Remington 870 Express and Ruger Blackhawk in .357mag) and had told me multiple times how much fun everything was. That's good because all of these guys have or will soon have quite a sphere of influence as 3 of them will officially be medical doctors in May and one of them is working his way up in a computer company that has a huge contract with Ft. Hood.

Just thought I'd share a positive experience. Hopefully for every anti in this country there's an experience happening like this that's reenforcing the positive views. Next time you go hunting or shooting grab a friend and take them a long... they might just become your friendly next-door gun nut!

brad cook
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