Possible Legislation?

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Dave Workman

Jul 6, 2006
Washington state
This ain't a political thing so much as educational.

After trading PMs with Art E., I'm sticking this in here for your perusal because the GOP platform has some really strong pro-2A stuff in it that I wrote about in my examiner column. If this leads to legislation...hmmmm!

There are links to the pertinent stuff.

I've never seen language like this in a party platform before. good stuff about national CCW reciprocity, Fast & Furious, a thumbs down on semi-auto bans...stuff we have talked about here.

Alan Gottlieb over at CCRKBA called it the “strongest pro-gun-rights platform I’ve ever seen.” Ditto.


Now a request: If any of you folks are actually down in Tampa, please PM me. I have a couple of questions.
I hope that if elected the GOP sticks to it. Actually a bit refreshing to read for those of us out here in California.
I hope that if elected the GOP sticks to it. Actually a bit refreshing to read for those of us out here in California.

Well, I've talked to one guy who was actually part of the process, and he's no pretender. He pulls a trigger.

It's an impressive agenda. I don't know anybody outside of the anti-gun lobby who would be opposed to national reciprocity.

I don't know anybody outside of the gun prohibition crowd who is against self-defense.

It all really will depend upon what kind of Congress we would have, because that's where all of this has to happen.

There are a couple of other things I didn't write about Wednesday that will probably be in a follow-up Thursday or Friday about military vets and hunting on public land that got my attention.

Also guiding the debate will be how the various court cases go. I know SAF has about two dozen cases in progress, challenging laws, trying to establish parameters about what is "reasonable" gun regulation.

I do this stuff for a living; reporting, analysis, writing, blah blah.

But September and October are coming on, and y'know...on the whole, I'd rather be in the woods by the big tree cradling my grandpa's Model 99, waiting for a buck to walk by. :D

It has taken me 40 years to realize that at the end of the day, it's those hours spent in the timber, listening to the trees grow that really count.
Yes, hours in the timber are nice, but legislation and elections DO matter, and may alter the course of the human experience. For example my son and daughter likely will never enjoy some of the things I got to do at their age because of legislation that was passed and enacted as the result of candidates being elected here in California and elsewhere. As the political map has crept in one direction for so long, we are seeing the result of this in tangible ways that as few as twenty five years ago we never thought possible. I hope and pray that our country can get back on track, and have high hopes as I watch what I call very positive changes in many other states. It is high time that us out here in the political wilderness of leftists catch up with the rest of the good guys!
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