Post Civil War Bear Hunt

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4v50 Gary

Staff member
Dec 19, 2002
The following is an excerpt from the Memoirs of Charles Veil:

"One night while a party was up after a load of logs, a black bear came into camp and got into a bean kettle that had been left standing about since breakfast. The bear evidently liked beans because he continued eating until he got to the bottom of the kettle, but by that time he had gotten his head so far inside that he could not get it out. About that time, he was discovered by the men and they had lots of fun with that bear with the camp kettle over his head. Being blinded, he did not know which way to retreat. One moment he would strike out in one direction and then, hearing a voice, would conclude to go in another, about the same as a cat will do if you blind her. We finally got tired of the fun and shot him and took him back to camp the next day."

Beans, Bear & Beer & Bullets. OK, nobody had any beer.
Must have been Union troops. Confederates would have had bear for supper the same night and have gone into great detail about the recipes.
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