POTUS starts the new year with a shotgun!

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Just like Kindly Old Uncle Saddam, those pheasants weren't bothering anybody. But then that "cowboy" Bush and the "empire building" United States....:rolleyes: *

* Bush is still not pro gun, but nor is he a leftist.
Well lets see : No photo's of him hunting in the article.
No B.S. speach about protecting hunters rights.

Yep I'd say the man just went hunting to go hunting.
Bill Clinton made sure to be filmed walking around with a shotgun and a few dead mallards in hand just prior to signing the AWB in '94.

If the report on Bush was indeed a photo op, and I suspect that it was, I'm not impressed. He has done little if anything to support the restoration of American's 2nd Amendment rights.

He has not supported the pre-emption bill, he did not direct the Justice Dept. to file a brief in Silveria v. Lockyer, he supports renewal of the AWB, etc...

Bush's position on gun control is not significantly different in any way from Dick Gephart's or Joe Lieberman's position. And that's one of the reasons why I won't be voting for him again.

Where is Bush on:

*Flat tax?
*Actually fighting for school vouchers?
*Actually fighting for judicial nominees?
*Restraint on Federal entitlement programs? (>80% of Federal Spending).
*Actually fighting for oil drilling in ANWAR and elsewhere?
*Opposition to unconstitutional 1st amendment restrictions in Campaign Finance Reform?
*Increasing the size of our badly over-extended DOD?
Federal entitlement programs? (>80% of Federal Spending).


. . . . he did not direct the Justice Dept. to file a brief in Silveria v. Lockyer, . . . . .
Smart move on Bush's part. Current SCOTUS is completely out of control. I do not want a showdown suit on the second amendment heard by the current selection of jokers.

On the rest of it? No, Bush ain't perfect. Ain't no politician perfect so I just as soon as not waste by time busting him for not being perfect. I'd rather take a swing at him for his inconsistencies. The man is unbelievably frustrating because he serves as his own contradiction. A principaled stand against islamofascist terrormongers and craven, spineless caving ON JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING domestically.
Taggants test

Bush was quoted as saying that he was shooting newly spec'd shotgun loads containing a gunpowder taggant that would revolutionize the trackability of assault weapons, Saturday night specials, and sniper rifles that were used to commit crimes, as well as birdguns.
If the report on Bush was indeed a photo op, and I suspect that it was,

Photo-op? I haven't seen a photo from the hunt. Is there a link to one?

I suspect that he just wanted to go hunting with his dad. The only reason that it is reported is that the guy is a public figure and can't even choke on a pretzel while watching football without the world knowing about it.

GWB is NOT a RKBA activist, he never was and we should NOT expect him to suddenly become one.
since Dad was there with Bush family mess fixer James Baker, I'm sure there was more to it than hunting. Let's hope pops smacked around Jr. and is getting Baker to help rout the admin of the neo-con traitors that have made Jr. their biaaaaatch.

Thanks for the correction. I got the 80% figure from a Cal Thomas column that I probably read too fast. :D

The pie chart low balls entitlements by a big amount though. Discretionary spending includes the agency budgets and so includes a lot of Federal Government matching retirement (FERS & TSP) contributions and also Federal worker health care contributions paid by the Government.
Waitone wrote:

A principaled stand against islamofascist terrormongers and craven, spineless caving ON JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING domestically

I agree totally. Bush didn't even have the backbone to make recess appointments for his judicial nominees.

Seeing Laura Bush appearing on t.v. with Maria Shriver-Schwartzenegger is a very bad omen. The Bush's are going liberal like John McCain and Orrin Hatch
tiberius wrote:

Photo-op? I haven't seen a photo from the hunt. Is there a link to one?

I suspect that he just wanted to go hunting with his dad. The only reason that it is reported is that the guy is a public figure and can't even choke on a pretzel while watching football without the world knowing about it.

AFAK video footage isn't recorded and broadcast without the President's knowing permission except in rare long-telephoto cases like at the Reagan ranch.

GWB is NOT a RKBA activist, he never was and we should NOT expect him to suddenly become one.

My pissedoffedness with Bush goes well beyond just RKBA. However, if he would even just fight for conservative judicial nominees I would be satisfied. In the long run that would solve any problems with infringement of 2nd Amendment rights.
Let's hope pops smacked around Jr. and is getting Baker to help rout the admin of the neo-con traitors that have made Jr. their biaaaaatch.


No, that's not ME that's confused. Bush Elder is LESS conservative than GW. If he did any smacking around, it would be because GW isn't playing along with the globalists well enough to suit Daddy "New World Order" Bush.

The Bush's are going liberal like John McCain and Orrin Hatch

Some of you folks crack me up. Bush has NEVER pretended to be a conservative! Look at his campaign! I'm not the least disappointed in him - he's doing what I expected him to do. He's been perfectly consistent.

If anything, he's better than I hoped he would be.

No, I'm not saying he's GOOD. But he's consistent. If you thought we were getting a principled conservative, pray tell me what ever gave you that idea?

Some of you folks crack me up. Bush has NEVER pretended to be a conservative! Look at his campaign! I'm not the least disappointed in him - he's doing what I expected him to do. He's been perfectly consistent.
If anything, he's better than I hoped he would be.

No, I'm not saying he's GOOD. But he's consistent. If you thought we were getting a principled conservative, pray tell me what ever gave you that idea?

Even though he isn't one, Bush certainly tried hard to give the impression of being a conservative during the campaign. He campaigned on:

Tax cuts for income and capital gains
Tort reform including the lawsuit pre-emption bill
School vouchers
Government Assistance through faith-based organizations
Constructionist judicial nominees
Pro-life legislation including a partial birth abortion ban
Refunding the DOD to a level adequate to support 2 major/1 minor conflict
Restraint on Federal Entitlements

So far he has delivered on tax cuts and a partial birth abortion ban. Both of which are thanks more to Tom Delay than GWB.

And now he is apparently beginning to go down the path of sucking up to the Kennedys and the left wing newspapers out of a desire to be "liked" a la John McCain and Orrin Hatch.

Like his father, I voted for him once and won't make that mistake again.

On domestic issues he is a consistent invertebrate, I'll grant you that.
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