Powder measure looks greasy

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Or maybe people dropped them and the manufacturers got tired of that? RCBS has replaced one of mine that got bad for free....

Mine have lasted pretty long, but I coat the insides with paste wax, let it dry and buff. When it starts to get dark, I remove the wax with mineral spirits, dry, and recoat with paste wax. RCBS makes it a little harder than some others because their hoppers are pressed in, not screwed in. Paste wax provides a barrier between the caustics that discolor and the hopper material.....it does help.

I also coat paste wax on the inside of the throat......prevents powder from sticking. Improves on the graphite effect. I clean, wax, buff, and then buff powdered graphic. I think that process has improved throw consistency for me than just a baffle alone on my progressives. The double tap method for consistent throws only works for single stages.

There's a little video on RCBS.com that demos how to remove and replace them, by rapping on a wood table......I chipped one once....only once but it can happen....maybe I hit it too hard.;) Notice that he rotates it 180 degrees and hits it again......I didn't do that that time....I hit it twice on the same side.....maybe follow direction better than me?

Before someone breaks their Hornady one and it's my fault...don't try that on screw-on or glued-on hoppers! :)

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