Preseason moose scouting..What a trip!!

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Staff member
Jan 28, 2003
This weekend kicked off our preseason scouting. As I've mentioned before my wife drew a Rocky Mt goat tag and I drew a Shiras Moose tag this year. This weekend was a moose scouting weekend. We arrived in the afternoon set up a quick camp and headed into the river bottoms to look for moose. the first critter we saw was a nice pronghorn buck enjoying the afternoon with a little nap in the sage brush. Sorry about the poor photo but the one thing we forgot was the camera so these were all taken with a cell phone. You can see the tiny little dot in the middle of the shot. That's him.
Mule deer are thick in this area. we also saw about 25 head of elk but none would pose for a photo. These mule deer were happy to model for us. 20150607_182830_zps0v0u8qz6.jpg
Several hours into our scouting we were driving along a small creek. My wife casually says "hey look a bear". I stopped the truck and sure enough pretty as picture, was this fat black bear in the trees. We watched him for a while then continued on our quest for moose.
So I mentioned to my wife that she'd seen deer, antelope, elk and bear the only thing she hadn't seen yet was a moose. About ten minutes later she looks over at me says you mean a moose like the one that is running in the ditch right outside my window? I ignored her and kept driving. She looks at me and says I'm serious there was a moose right out my window. So I stop and turn the truck around and warned her that she better not be messing with me, cause we don't joke about moose sightings in this family!;) She wasn't joking, he was just getting ready to cross the road when we came back around the corner. A young bull.
Next stop was an old cabin where we did some fishing. We had no luck with the trout so we continued on. 20150607_191029_zpslhlbiqaq.jpg
About an hour before sunset we decided to take a walk down the river. About a mile in we stopped to watch a group of 8 cow elk and their babies. they were about 300 yards up the hill and the cell phone cameras were useless at that range so we didn't take any photos. After enjoying ourselves for a bit with the elk we moved on. My wife was in the lead and as usual her eyes were scanning the brush she suddenly stopped and pointed. A nice mature bull moose was grazing on the willow brush about 50 yards ahead of us. We spent the rest of the afternoon watching this bull go about his business. He was in velvet and just starting to grow paddles.

We got back to camp after dark, ate a quick meal and slept hard. The next morning Kim got up and stretched. She poked her head back in the camper and said "Tatonka O'Wajii!!". I rolled over and mumbled something about how tough my life is, having to put up with a crazy woman. Turns out we had camped on the fence line of a big commercial bison ranch. But domestic or not, it sure was neat to see and hear the buffalo herd as they mawwed to each other and the calves bounced and played.
2015 is shaping up to be a fantastic season! Next time out I promise to bring a better camera. Hope you enjoyed seeing these as much as I enjoyed taking them!
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Thanks for the pics.
I always enjoy reading about moose hunting. I managed to get away once for a moose hunt , but most western big-game seasons are right in the middle of our corn/soybean harvest. I spent many a summer vacation roaming the mountains of Colorado though.

What an awesome write up. As i punch keys behind a desk something keeps telling me call in sick, go fish! Hunt, shoot miss, why am I depriving myself of life, liberty, and the pursuit of food!
H&H what is a legal moose in your area? Here its min. 50 inch spread OR 3 brow tines on one side. The brow tine rule is a Godsend. I challenge anyone to tell a 48 inch rack [illegal] from a legal 50 inch in the field.
Also that's a very cool road you're on but will it be that empty when the season opens?

A 50" Shiras Moose is a GIANT. They are much smaller than a Yukon Moose. In Colorado a legal bull is any bull with 5" of horn protruding from it's head. My goal is something mature in the 40"+ range with decent palms.

Of course you are correct. The correct term is antler.:)
Congratulations, you are living the life a lot of us love to do. Getting out into it is what it's all about. Unfortunately there are so many places to go, things to see and animals to hunt we will never fulfill our desires to do it all.
I retired with a desire to spend more time involved with nature and have been lucky in that regard as I hunt and fish in my area daily as I desire, but age is starting to take a pretty good toll.
I certainly recommend a lot less procrastination and a lot more action as the ageing process will catch up to us all sooner than we expect.
Looks like some fine hunting experiences still in your future and thanks for sharing them with us.
Isn't our state cool? :D

I have seen Moose in three primary regions- Montezuma/Saints John area, Upper Poudre Valley near Cameron Pass and along the Rollins Pass road between Winter Park and Corona.

There was a big stink last year when a guy killed one of the "pet" moose during archery season near Brainard Lake Recreation Area.

Good Luck in your adventure and nice pic of a "black" bear!
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Thanks guys! I do enjoy my time in the great outdoors.
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