President Bush pardons Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean!

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^amen. I feel a strong urge to send a donation to
He should have pardoned them, but he didn't--he only commuted their sentences.
True. That means he still feels they are guilty, the conviction will remain on their records, and basically their lives are ruined. But they are out of jail
Hopefully good things will come of all this.........I'm afraid not though. We must always be vigilent. Freedom is not free.
I guess it's not whether he lets criminals out of jail that counts. It's whether he lets YOUR criminals out of jail.
At the height of the hand wringing over their imminent incarceration, there were some interesting local TV reports which used their homes as backdrops.

Pretty expensive homes and vehicles for that economically depressed area...

Significantly more expensive than men on a Border Patrol government salary might be able to afford...

Bush didn't pardon the men for their crimes, but decided instead to commute their sentences because he believed they were excessive and that they had already suffered the loss of their jobs, freedom and reputations, a senior administration official said.
Well true,But I'm still happy they are going to be released from prison.They should never have spent a single day incarcerated.
Significantly more expensive than men on a Border Patrol government salary might be able to afford...


Oh please... spare us this crap.

GS-10 is roughly $55,000 at the LOWEST point on the scale, RUS. Border Patrol shows about a 25% bump on that for shift dif etc so an 8 year agent is really looking at around $69,000 if a senior guy with a good record.

With working spouse these guys are easily gonna break into 6 figures total household income and, in case the collapsing economy hasn't shown it, most people bought WAY more house than they could afford anyway.

Using some of the silly charts that realtors were pushing around during the real estate boom, $100,000 family income would get you into a $4 or $500,000 home without much difficulty.

So, argue their crimes, disagree with their commutation, but put a little thought into things before this kind of post.
They should never have spent a single day incarcerated.

You're kidding, right?

They covered up a shooting, and then continued to lie about it. I do feel that it was a "clean shoot", but I have a HUGE problem with the fact that they covered it up. They are a disgrace to all the honest upstanding LEO's.
Someone want to try to explain how this topic is even remotely on topic here? I thought not. You know better then to post something like this at THR. :fire:
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