president does not support the police when citizens can have armor piercing bullets

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The president helps the terrorists when anyone can have a shoulder rocket launcher that can take a plane out of the sky. And I'm taking my shoes off at the airport?

Dammit!! Every time they legalize something cool I am never told.

Where exactly should I go buy my rocket launcher? I've always wanted one of those......
I wonder if she blames her pencil for misspelling too.

Huffington post, what a fitting namesake for this topic matter, man that's good. You can't just make that stuff up y'know.
Guns are for cowards. You can kill from a distance. You are detached, removed. You don't get your hands dirty. You don't feel the life draining out of another human being in an eye to eye struggle, face to face, with your hands squeezing or beating soft, human, flesh, one on one.

Right. Because when someone is trying to kill you, you have an obligation to make it a "fair fight." Women and infirmed individuals not withstanding.

P.S. An apple makes a poor self-defense tool. the old saying goes: "An apple a day keeps the bad guys away" or sumpthin' like dat.

Here is the population of Japan: 127,463,611.
Here is the number of children killed by guns in Japan every year: 0. what about the number of adults that are mugged, raped, beaten, or any other violent crime? Check the stats for how many people were mugged with a tazer or stungun in Japan each year. I guarantee it'll be higher than how many kids are shot each year in our country. Not to mention bladed weapons, which Japan is known for having a "fetish"(as she termed it) with.

The president does not support the police when citizens can have assault weapons.
The president does not support the police when citizens can have armor piercing bullets.
The president helps the terrorists when anyone can have a shoulder rocket launcher that can take a plane out of the sky. And I'm taking my shoes off at the airport?
The president helps the terrorists when he supports a ban on release of federal crime tracing data necessary to identify patterns in illegal gun trafficking.
The president helps the terrorists when he requires the ATF to immediately destroy gun sales records previously allowed to be kept for 90 days under Brady Bill background check.

Honestly, does she bother looking up anything from somewhere other than the Brady site?
The first two are the President backing the Citizens in their rights. There aren't many cops mowed down with either Assault weapons(whatever that is) nor AP rounds. No reason to remove a right that isn't causing problems on a daily basis. Or monthly basis. Or yearly.

3:Um... anyone here have a Stinger Missile launcher? How about an SA-2? A TOW? AT-4? Didn't think so. This particular Item is why the Pres wants to seal our boarders, which she likely spoke out against. You can't just buy a rocket launcher in any store. Machine gun, sorta. Rocket Launcher, no. Hence, illegal imports.

4&5: My favorites. Is that data on trafficking really sealed from public? If so, I'd imagine it is to protect sources, which I'm all for. I'd rather the cops have that info than the bad-guys killing the sources. Has she ever read the info on the ATF form requirements for a seller? You don't get rid of the forms. You keep them, even the screw-ups. The ATF doesn't look at them unless there's a crime committed.
You know, I used to think she was funny. But after hearing this, I don't think she's funny at all. Judging by the responces on the paper's site, the logic posed by the pro-gun people there is useless. I even saw one post that heralded the piece for it's lack of knee-jerk reaction and clear-cut facts.

Why waste time with them? Its not like we need to debate them, they come off like idiots most of the time. They are their own worst enemies. Half the stuff they put up consists of shameless and obvious ranting. Let them rant. They are not a threat.

Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels' famous political insight was that if you tell a lie often enough it becomes accepted truth.

And they know it.

That's why they're a threat.
now defunct anyway constitution.

Umm... last time I checked, the US constitution is still the supreme law of the land. You don't like it, move to Japan.

Screw your "constitutional right"

Well then, screw your constitutional right to free speech. Sit down and shut up. While I'm at it, screw your (womens') constitutional right to vote. (sarcasm)

He teaches children "gun safety", meaning, he teaches children to use guns.

You mean, he teaches children how to respect guns and the damage that they can do when not shown proper care and consideration, just like any automobile or prescription drug.

"Cars kill people!!" Yes, cars kill people when something goes wrong. Guns are MADE to kill people. Handguns have one purpose, to kill people.

Problem with your logic is, sometimes, certain people need to be killed. Would -be armed robbers, rapists, murderers, psychos, sadists... yeah, my heart really bleeds for them. :rolleyes:

Passage of gun industry immunity bill. That's right, you can sue every industry in America, except gun manufacturers and dealers. Your family gets murdered by a madman? Tough.

Did I get to sue Buick when the little old lady totaled my Explorer? No, you idiot. Why? BECAUSE IT ISN'T BUICK'S FAULT! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Fighting background checks. The Virginia shooter had been committed to a mental institution. In Virginia that means you can't buy a gun. Oh yeah? Thank goodness the gun shop owner who sold it to him can't be sued.

The president does not support the police when citizens can have assault weapons.

Why not? The police get to have "assault weapons" :rolleyes: too. And just how many LEO's do you think are killed with your so-called "assault weapons, anyway?

The president helps the terrorists when anyone can have a shoulder rocket launcher that can take a plane out of the sky. And I'm taking my shoes off at the airport?

Does it hurt to do research? Is that why you don't? Or are you allergic to facts?

Or am I the only unlucky guy to miss out on the free-SAM-with-purchase at Applebees?

We Found the WMD. They Are Here.

Yeah. They all write for the Huffington Post, and are slowly destroying America.

The difference now is access to weapons of mass destruction.

Do they have they have their own aisle at Wal-Mart or something? Why is it everyone gets the cool toys but me? Moron.

Anyone can have a gun. Anyone. It did not used to be like this.

Yeah, all you older guys remember when it was nearly impossible to go down to your local hardware store and buy a gun, based on you promising to have your daddy's permission? Thank goodness they've loosened those strict laws. Ugh. :banghead:

Today the supreme court overturned thirty years of supreme court precedent, and overturned the findings of six federal courts, to declare war on women, their health, their privacy, and their lives, by upholding a ban on dilation and curettage abortion that contains NO exception to preserve the health or SAVE THE LIFE of the woman. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, writing for the four dissenting justices, called the decision "alarming".

Not that it matters, bub did you know that well over 99% of all abortions are "convenience abortions", leaving less than 1% for all aborted pregnancies as a result of rape, incest, or those that pose a medical threat to the mother. But that's off topic.

Here's the Punchline

You're a twit. Yeah, I guessed it already.
Re-read her rant and substitute cars or pools for apples and see how it sounds. Good for a whole new set of laughs when you realize how far this person is out of touch with reality.
Screw your "constitutional right" to have an apple, there is something called the "greater good", and the good of the country takes precedence over your "interpretation" of any amendment in the now defunct anyway constitution. Just ask the spinach growers, and the people who love to yell "fire" in a crowded theater.
Spinach wasn't banned. I had some on my salad yesterday. It wasn't even restricted. At least, not by the government. And my owning a gun doesn't cause panic. Well, except at the journalist conventions.

they are the only UNREGULATED consumer product in America.

Stage Rule: If There is a Gun on the Wall in Act I, It Will Go Off in Act II.
And you're moronic enough to think it happens that way in the real world, too.

The difference now is access to weapons of mass destruction. Anyone can have a gun. Anyone. It did not used to be like this. It's easy to kill now.
Does this idiot actually think it's easier to get a gun now?

And those are just the easiest ones.
I want to read all of this but I am in the middle of moving so I have bookmarked it.

This article is like the Mall Ninja piece. So far over the top you'd've never seen it coming. Every bit of idiot claptrap, neatly compiled into one piece that rambles on from VA Tech to Iraq to Abortion.

Favorite bit:
Guns are for cowards. You can kill from a distance. You are detached, removed. You don't get your hands dirty. You don't feel the life draining out of another human being in an eye to eye struggle, face to face, with your hands squeezing or beating soft, human, flesh, one on one. We had just as many disturbed, sick citizens in America in the last century as we do in this. The difference now is access to weapons of mass destruction. Anyone can have a gun. Anyone. It did not used to be like this. It's easy to kill now.
It's easy to kill now? Hell, if you're psychotic like the VT shooter, it's always easy to kill, no matter what age.

Guess it's the old "Can't see the forest for the trees" thought. This gal sees Cho, Al Capone, etc. when she thinks of guns. She completely ignores the fact that the overwhelming majority of gun owners in this country don't kill anybody... but that's to be expected.
If 2500 children a year were killed by drowning in pools, wouldnt we ban all pools until... Oh wait, way more chilldren than that die in pools every year. Or car accidents, birth defects, medical malpractice, SIDS, clumsy babysitters...

I could understand being concerned if 2500 children were shot in one neighborhood, but in a country that is rapidly approaching a half billion in population, thousands of people will die of nearly every conceivable cause over the course of a year. Where is the same concern about heart disease, cancer or aids? Should we ban mcdonalds, smoking and homosexuality too?
Guess it's the old "Can't see the forest for the trees" thought. This gal sees Cho, Al Capone, etc. when she thinks of guns. She completely ignores the fact that the overwhelming majority of gun owners in this country don't kill anybody... but that's to be expected.

She shows a typical bigoted thought process.
Some people just do not get it. Yes if we could remove death it would be great. However why don't you ask her how she would deal with a big strong guy with a baseball bat kicking in her door and attacking her? Maybe even taunting her and tossing her her own baseball bat. There things are even now, have at it.

Oh wait the police will protect her. Maybe she can manage to call them and they will show up within 10+ minutes to deal with the situation. Perhaps she will still be alive by then.

Then again she could have a gun and things would be easier. Even if he had a gun she would at least be equaly capable of inflicting harm on her attacker and detering or stopping the situation.

If only more violent rapists/murderers didn't kill thier victims we would have more pro gun women instead of the mothers that don't want tools that might hurt thier precious children to exist.

If little gang banger wannabe thug listening to the latest gangster hip-hop goes out and tries to be a criminal and dies to gunfire to: a. others just like him, or b. a citizen defending themselves from this criminal when he tries to victimize them for his own benefit, then it was a lifestyle that claimed his life and not a tool. But then he was still a child, not yet 18 (although the media often talks about 18, 19 20+ year old children) and is another poor child to die to gun violence. Most of the "children" to die from gun violence are part of this segment.

Hey maybe we can not have Eddie Eagle, or safety courses or any safe gradual exposure to guns and instead keep them some secretive mysterious symbol of violence, excitement and power as seen on TV and video games so when they accidentaly stumble on one they cannot help but play with it. Yeah that would be a wiser course of action. :rolleyes:

You can always tell anti gunners when they cite "gun violence" in other countries. Instead of comparing deaths to deaths, victims to victims, freedom to freedom, they compare gun deaths to gun deaths. Even if statistics were more important than a way of life or freedom (which they are not) or equality in defense, a violent death should be compared to a violent death right? Because a person went out and butchered people with a sword like happens on occasion in Japan, it doesn't count because it was not a gun?

We do have many deaths in our nation to violence, but often it is due more to a pervasive and glamorized thug culture than the weapons the violence is commited with. Few other places have such a culture that flourishes to the extent we do. That is partialy due to our freedoms though which make us a great nation. Such people are free to belong to such a culture. In fact more power to the rest of us because it makes identifying such people easier.
Too bad none of those kids at VT brought an "apple" to class to defend themselves and the other students against a raving psycho who watched to many Jet Lee movies, perhaps some of them would be alive right now. But alas, apples are banned on school campus.

I always love how the anti-Constitutional rights and victim disarmament people try and use the "children killed by firearms" argument. It's especially funny that a 19 year old gang member with 5 felony convictions and who gets blasted in a drive by after a botched drug deal would qualify in one of her graphs to be a "child killed by firearms".

What a freaking hag. Her stupidity makes me want to ....:barf:
She is also wrong with her "facts on the PBA" bill. It bands dilitation and extraction not curratage(and even here just one method of D&E). It does have exception for the life of the mother.
Pah, apples don't kill people...cauliflower on the other hand...

*she can have my apples when she pries them from my cold Waldorf salad.
> Apples are not protected by the Constitution!

Yes there are. Show me where the government is given the power to ban apples.
She is also wrong with her "facts on the PBA" bill. It bands dilitation and extraction not curratage(and even here just one method of D&E). It does have exception for the life of the mother.
Fwiw I had a small discussion about this with I believe it was intern, anyway here were their words on the exception:
When a women nearing term is in danger of losing her life there is no flashing neon sign poking out of her vagina that alerts her medical team to this fact. The team has to make a decision based on their medical knowledge and experience - but whatever decision they reach ("life threatening" vs. "not life threatening") could easily be second-guessed after the fact. If I'm an OB/GYN and I know that any D&X procedure will later be scrutinized by someone (worst of all an anti-abortion lawyer), I am never going to opt to perform the procedure, even if I feel it to be the most appropriate and, in my professional opinion, the woman's life is in danger. It simply isn't worth the risk of jail time and loss of my medical career. I'm going to opt for D&E instead, even if it brings more risk to the woman.

End result of this bill: tie doctors' hands and increase risk to the woman.

As for the "split of opinion by experts in the field" - welcome to medicine. There isn't a single procedure with a controversially "better" or "worse" alternative procedure, depending on who you ask. I'd turn to a well-respected cumulative opinion instead. Luckily, such an opinion exists: The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology's position is that D&X is the safest and most appropriate procedure in some cases.

Now I'm not in the medical field but I found it quite nice to get such a blunt honest answer of how law and medical practice will actually intersect. I don't want to derail my own thread too far off topic but I thought you might find their opinion as interesting as I did.
What's with all these stereotypes that Americans are like cowboys, rednecks, and neo nazis because they decide to carry a gun? I know quite a few successful business men who make 3 figures, wear a suit, and conceal a handgun.

Reading through the comments is enough to make me sick.
Well I am a physician who does OB. Third trimester D&E procedures are NEVER needed to save a woman's life. They are not even taught as such. If a woman's LIFE is in danger you do not piddle around doing a D&E. You forget that there is a BIG difference in a procedure that is being done to come out with a dead baby and one that is not. NO PHYSICIAN that is not purposely doing an abortion would even think of this procedure as one done to save the life of a pregnant woman. Just had to answer. I will be quiet now. :p
This is one of those things that I think proves that a lot of what is behind gun control advocates is projection.

Clearly this sicko wants to murder someone with her bare hands ... she relishes the thought of "feeling the life drain out of another human being".

Deep down inside she is a very sick and evil person and cannot imagine that everyone else isn't just like her.

Nice how you turned that argument around.

Oh, and I love the rocket launcher replies. :D
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