Presidential Straw Poll

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I see the problem with the "National Polls" They don't even list RP as an option. No wonder their results ar skewed.
no,you won't see ron paul in the media polls because they don't want you to know he exist.they want to pick who runs for president not us.the "best" two canidates are ron paul for the repubs. and richardson for the dems. but they're not media darlings so they won't cover them.
To win the Presidential election you need ALL the votes of your party, PLUS most of the "undecided." I like Paul, but he can't deliver that. Fred can.

Wow, Paul sure has an internet following. Apparently they don't have phones, for when the pollsters call. Voted Fred.

The American people are fed up with the current GOP. 65% of the American people want out of the war. Fred is a 100% present day GOP by anybodies definition. Fred is PRO-WAR. Do the math. If Fred gets the nomination get use to saying Ms. President. Ron Paul is the only electable conservative candidate.

I voted 456 times. One for each email account I have :rolleyes:
I was called for my choice of candidates. Of the Repulicans, Ron Paul wasn't even mentioned.

I voted for him too.

Not electable? Polls indicate that Paul could grab a sizeable number of Demos. The problem is he probably wont get the nomination, not matter how popular he gets. He wants to cut back on congressional and presidential power, giving it back to the states and the people. He's also too honest to win.
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