Price Check COlt Green Label

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I paid around $1600 for a HBAR green label a little over a year ago. Mine was LNIB. I thought it was a little overpriced, but you don't run across these very often. Last time I checked prices hadn't changed much. Prices on pre-bans very wildly depending on location and configuration. Hope this gives you a ball park figure.

Garrett, wait until Sept. 2004 and then go buy yourself a brand new M-4 (ahem, M-forgery) with all those evil fixin's that Schumer & Fineswine dislike. :)
I'd buy a bunch of flash suppressors to dress those nekkid muzzles but Cali won't let me bring the guns home. :mad: One thing I'll buy and keep out of state are C-mags. That'll give me something to look forward to in retirement. :)
Its not for me. I have mine already. I have a friend of a friend who is looking to unload one. My friend quoted me a price of way to high. $2500... I don't need another AR that bad. Plus the state won't let me have anymore. silly state. Just wanted to let my friend 2500 was high, but wanted to know what I should tell him a good price was.
Last one i saw was at a gun show, came with a nice scope for about $2500. It was sitting on a table with a "No sales to muslims" sign on it. So i feigned interest in the gun, yanked a wad of cash out of my pocket ($100 bill outside a bunch of small bills that made it look like a few grand (although it was more like $160). After he came back with the paperwork i pointed out his sign an told him i was sorry he felt that way, turned to my friend, said "let's go jawaad." They guy then seemed very eager to sell to muslims...funny.

I'm jewish, but one of my best friends is a muslim, so stuff like that pisses me off.
There are some real idiots at gun shows, and they're on both sides of the tables.

Back to the original topic, I have a Green Label Delta HBar (Colt cheekpiece, armor scope, aluminum case, etc). I figured it was worth maybe $1600. Is it worth more than that, being a Green Label?

I'm just curious, that's all. Not going to sell it. If the AW ban goes away, and the price drops, that's more than fine with me.
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