Pro Gun Blog...recommendations?

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.45 Cal

Jan 11, 2006
You'd-never-believe-where-in California
I have an interesting assignment in my History of Classical Rhetoric class. Our semester project is to pick a blog—any blog—and analyze how the elements of classical rhetoric are employed (or not) to the blog's narrative technique. I immediately thought to seek a pro-second amendment blog and thought I'd reach out to those who are likely already familiar with one or many for recommendations.

Thanks in advance...

PS Wasn't sure if this is the correct place to post; if not, please excuse.
well, my favorite blog is written by a pro-2A guy, although all topics are certainly not 2A, there is a pro-2A bent to the discussion. If you haven't read it, will keep you entertained for hours the first time you read it.

You may have seen LawDog around here a time or two.
Excellent! Thanks for the links, and I'll let everyone know which I'll choose and how my fledgling efforts progress. Can't wait to do my class presentation and watch how my fellow California-albeit-non-gun-enthusiasts react :D
I am a computer illiterate, and I would like to claim an IDtenT error here,,, would someone please define for me the term blog, as it is used here?
I would have expected THR to be a blog?
"Blog" is an abbreviation for "Web Log," which, at least in my observation, is generally created by one host ("blogger") who posts online journal entries about whatever topics s/he is interested in, beliefs espoused, etc., and on which others may leave written comments, thus beginning a dialogue.

I think THR would be classified as a "forum" in which many participate randomly, though under a general frame of interest.

At least that's what it looks like to me :) .
THR is a "Message Board." Blogs are a different entity altogether. Boards are communities. Blogs are not. A blog is a person's (or small group's) place to bloviate. You can do that on a message board, but it tends to get lost in the noise of the rest of the crowd.

Think of message boards as a good party, and a blog as a podium. If the blog has comments, that's the after-speech party.
Yeah, I may spend more time here. isn't as much fun as it used to be.
Unfortunately, Bitter Bitch has decided to hang up her spurs, at least for the time being, and her co-bloggers have been MIA for quite some time.

For that matter, the Geek hasn't been posting much of late...
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