Proof formula

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Oct 10, 2007
California desert
While going through my safe today I came across the original proof of proof card that came with an 1851 Navy Colt I bought in Germany back in '59, try as I might I cannot find this formula anywhere except for a concrete peneteration meter. As stated on the card the gun was proofed at "620 Kgr/cmq". I have seen a lot of formulas in my day but never this one. The "cmq" is the part I have never seen before.
Any ideas?
I should have said that this "shoe tag" is all in Italian. The front is preprinted with spaces to write in the serial no. etc. If needed I can type everything that is on the card and on the back but the part I am interested in is on the front and states:
Pressione di Prova Superata
620 Kgr. / cmq
I am assuming that the above is the proof data.
Perhaps back then the Italians had a way or stating a formula we aren't familiar with?
Thanks .........Jim
Your gun was proofed to around 8,800 PSI, as it is the Kgr/cmq is multipied at 14.xx (I think it is 14.22, but I can be wrong) to get PSI, which gives you the PSI of around 8,800 PSI.
Thanks everyone, I assumed that the "cmq" probably meant sq. cm.
however you all know what ass-u-me means. When I googled that formula and came up with four hits all pertaining to concrete penetration it kind of threw me.
That means that my barrel was proofed to 8818 lbs/sq in. I wonder what the proof standards are today for bp barrels of various types.
Thanks again
That is, of course, the black powder proof, as the "PN" (polvere nera) proof mark shows. Smokeless powder proof pressures for modern guns would be much higher.

I am sure the proof loads are the same today, and would be the same in every country that has a proof law. Once set, those proof rules rarely if ever change unless there is a new type of powder (as in the change from black to smokeless around 1900).

Pressione di Prova Superata

Proven beyond pressure
Prooven to exceed
minimum proofed pressure

you get the idea.
And it means the cylinder, not barrel, held proof....getting over 8000psi in a front-stuffer cylinder was plenty....
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