Proposed Legislation concerning IED's/(NFA)

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Jul 15, 2005
Proposed Legislation (EDIT/removed)

Sorry, I guess I shouldn't have posted this on a public board.
PM me if you want to discuss this.

so, anyone have a suggestion for contacting Ron Paul and getting a proposal to him?
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same as above, shouldn't have been on a public board.
PM me or whatever.
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You shouldnt be posting about something like that on a public board because that kind of detracts from the stealth effect of it. If you have a contact with a senator or rep, try to get them to tack it on.

Send it to Ron Paul with an explanation of what it does?

My main worry is that it wouldnt take much to change it from "overwriting" to "amending" so we have yet another well intentioned but really useless felony on the book.
I guess I understand what you mean about putting it on a public board.
The thing is, I'm just some 19yr old kid in New York.

I don't really have any way to get it to Ron Paul, aside from blindly emailing/faxing/mailing it and hoping his staffers support the idea and actually pass it along.

I bet that the NY senators would gladly pass something to this effect, but I wouldn't trust them to keep the bill's text intact, overwriting the older laws. Besides, I don't have any real "contacts" with them either.

I was hoping that there would be someone more knowledgable on this board who could review it and correct any mistakes I've made (I'm not a lawyer, just read a bit of the law online and wrote up something).

I also figure that some members here probably have spoken with the senator in the past and have a way to pass this along if they like the idea.

I guess I'll review the writeup and see what I can do to get it to him.
Any suggestions?
I figure that if I had his private email address, I could drop it there, if it didn't get flagged as spam.
His public addresses will be monitored by his staff, so we'd need a staffer that doesn't like the NFA either...
Boonie: Cool idea. One thing is the NFA is so arcane, twisted and inexplicable that it can be modified in stealthy ways. Almost no one (who isn't an a gun nut) could explain it. Even a lot of gun nuts get it wrong all the time. Even the BATF's lawyers don't understand it sometimes. This whole strangeness makes it amenable to "under the radar" changes. The Veterans Protection Act (or whatever it's called) is of that genre.

I'm not really opposed to the NFA, actually. I just think it should have this 86 MG ban repealed. It really doesn't bother me to have to go through some paperwork and waiting to get an exotic weapon like an MG, sound supressor, etc.
Not to jump on the bandwagon of negativity, but when was the last time Ron Paul introduced a bill that got passed? They call him "Dr. No" because he votes against everything, thus insuring him tons of enemies amongst our "pro-gun" republican "allies". And the NRA sure as heck will not support anything like this - hell, they won't even put any information on HR1703 on their web site! I guess they figure that if they don't acknowledge it, then they can't get dinged for not supporting it and it not getting out of committee.
well, if sending it to Ron Paul won't work, do you know of any other senators who would support repealing the NFA?

I figure that all we need is a senator to submit the unaltered bill. The bill itself should be a easy pass, with support from both sides, once it's out there. However, the specific wording of the bill is very important, which is why the senator would need to be on our side for this.
The BATFE has determined that supplies to make IEDs are too available. As such, please ban the following;

acetic acid (vinegar)
acetone (acetone)
acetaminophen (generic Tylenol)
acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)
aluminum foil (Renold's wrap, aluminum foil)
aluminum oxide (alumia)
aluminum potassium sulfate (alum)
aluminum powder (paint additive, aluminum powder)
aluminum sulfate (alum)
ammonium hydroxide (ammonia)
ammonium nitrate (instant cold packs)
carbon carbonate (chalk)
carbon tetrachloride cleaning fluid)
calcium hypochloride (bleaching powder)
calcium oxide (lime)
calcium sulfate (plaster of paris)
carbonic acid (seltzer)
charcoal (charcoal)
citric acid (citric acid, sour salt)
ethylene dichloride (dutch fluid)
ferric oxide (iron rust)
glucose (corn syrup)
glycerin (glycerin)
graphite (pencil lead)
hexamine (fuel tablets, hexfuel)
hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid)
hydrogen peroxide (peroxide, H2O2)
lead acetate (sugar of lead)
lead tetrooxide (red lead)
magnesium ribbon (mg ribbon)
magesium silicate (talc)
magesium sulfate (Epsom salts)
methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)
nitric acid (etcher's acid, art acid)
naphthalene (mothballs)
phenol (carbolic acid)
potassium bicarbonate (cream of tarter)
potassium chlorate (match heads)
potassium chromium sulfate (chrome alum)
potassium nitrate (saltpeter)
sodium dioxide (sand)
sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
sodium borate (borax)
sodium carbonate (washing soda)
sodium choride (salt)
sodium hydroxide (lye)
sodium silicate (water glass)
sodium sulfate (glaubers' salt)
sodium thiosulfate (photographers hypo)
sulfur (flower of sulfur, dusting sulfur)
sulfuric acid (battery acid)
sucrose (cane sugar)
toluene (toluol, toluene)
urea (instant cold packs)
xylene (xylol, xylene)
zinc (moss remover, paint additive)
zinc choride (tinner's fluid)

This list is subject to change by the current director of the BATFE at any time without notice. Have a nice day.

(How's that for off the top of my head (mostly) the things that can be used for making explosives?)

Edit: I left out some obvious things.

Who would like me to make a list of the explosives that can be made from that list?
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