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Mar 13, 2008
Just got out of my psycho class. We were talking about disorders and my proffessor was telling us a story about when he first started working. It was around the vietnam era an a student told him he think a guy had a gun in his backpack. So he goes over and asks the student. The student replies calmly "yes, you never know when your going to need it". Then my proffessor paused for the effect. He kind of impled that anyone that would carry a gun has a disorder( that was the topic). I regret not saying anything about it now. The exact topic was PTSD but just because a vietnam veteran was carrying a gun doesnt mean he suffer from a disorder. Im going to be kicking myslef in the butt for not saying anything. The proffessor is actually my friends father so maybe I could mention it if I see him out of class. You would think a psych teacher would know that being affraid of inaminate object is a sign of a different problem. Anyways directionless rant over.
How exactly does a college student not know how to spell professor? I daresay you've got bigger challenges to face in higher education than disagreeing with your psychology professor. You may find that harsh, but if you're going to try to convince your professor or the class of an alternative view, you should have at least mastered the basics of spelling.

It's a shame that so many who would represent the RKBA movement come off as ignorant merely by being unable to spell properly. Typos are one thing, but a willful disregard for spelling conventions tends to color even the most compelling argument. It reflects poorly on us all.
You could ask him about the fire extinguisher in the hallway and ask him who is the pyromaniac on campus.

Never expect a college professor to be rational, especially your psych professor.
He will say that he implied nothing, and that you, in fact, projected your feelings onto what he said. How do you know you did not project your preconceive feelings about college professor onto what he said?

Good professors frequently make open ended comments so students will think deeply about what you believe and why. This can frustrate students when they realize they have not thought deeply about what they believe.
You would think a psych teacher would know that being affraid of inaminate object is a sign of a different problem.

If he still espouses Freudian ideas as any kind of foundation for clinical work he's got bigger problems than his stance on guns, so you'd better hope he doesn't believe this.

From the sounds of things, it's hard to say what he meant. Give him the benefit of the doubt, you'd be surprised who out there is on our side.
I'm sorry I went to college. It was a total waste of four years time and 7,000 dollars I earned sweating on a loading dock. I should have gone to a trades school and learned how to make custom cowboy boots.

Every time I read such a treatise on true life events in college, I not only regret my waste, but the waste of the people involved in the story. Where does this study and discourse get us closer to advances in research for better products and the cure for fatal diseases?
A co-worker use to kid me about being a "gun nut". Obviously I have some kind of mental problem causing me to have this obsession with guns and shooting.

I said,
Maybe, so what do you suppose your problem is since you like to go out in a big field and hit your balls with a stick?:D
How exactly does a college student not know how to spell professor? I daresay you've got bigger challenges to face in higher education than disagreeing with your psychology professor. You may find that harsh, but if you're going to try to convince your professor or the class of an alternative view, you should have at least mastered the basics of spelling.

Don't be a jerk Jorg.

What? You've never misspelled something in your lifetime?
At the last NTI I attended, there were three psychologists and one anthropologist who had also worked in the mental health field. Imagine that.

I would also agree that colleges would be better off with those who don't appreciate the need for education.
Don't be a jerk Jorg.

What? You've never misspelled something in your lifetime?

Amen to that. One misspelled word here and there isn't the end of the world. And frankly, anyone who condemns a speaker due to such small mistakes probably isn't open to learning anyway if they're not willing to take into account that a human being is writing/speaking.

Give the guy a break - he obviously cares enough to post here, and start a discussion about gun rights and how they're percieved in society - but you've gotta rag on him about a typo?:rolleyes:
Walking Arsenal,

I hate to be picky, but I was an English minor in college. The proper phrase is:

"You've never misspelled something within your lifetime?"

He's not dead yet, hence past mistakes are "within."
Well, I was an English major, and that last comment is the ultimate in nitpicks.

Just for fun, anyone know the origin of the word "nitpick?"

My apologies for lamenting the fact that a large portion of the posters on this and other gun-related forums serve only to portray gun owners as barely literate yokels.

Feel free to continue with usual whining about liberal professors, cops, and Wal-Mart.
Welcome to college. My psych professor used to talk about the same stuff, then outside of class he'd talk to me about how he was on shooting teams when he was a kid. A lot of times it seems like the super liberal professors are the ones that are tenured.

And on a side note.... Lay off, jorg.
My apologies for lamenting the fact that a large portion of the posters on this and other gun-related forums serve only to portray gun owners as barely literate yokels.

You called for me, sir?:D
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