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Quality or Quantity?

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I don't know why y'all twist that quote around. It may be true what you said but the opposite is also true. I was talking about owning one gun which is my Sigma 9mm and I had a lot of practice with it because it's all I can afford. Then the board member quoted it and I agreed with him.
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I don't why y'all twist that quote around. It may be true what you said but the opposite is also true. I was talking about owning one gun which is my Sigma 9mm and I had a lot of practice with it because it's all I can afford. Then the board member quoted it and I agreed with him.

See? I said guys like you exist!!
I owned one gun for several years - a Ruger MKII pistol. I shot it as much as I could, thousands of rounds per year. Then I traded into a muzzleloader, which I used to hunt with.

Those were my only two guns for a number of years after that. I have more now, but I could certainly get by with one or two again, if I had to. I'm glad I don't have to.
Quality vs. Quantity........

We believe a fine mix of quality and value is your best choice.

Personally we think it is a balance with some factors; what will the gun be used for, what caliber will be required, where will it be kept, who will use it, will it be a ccw and so on.

Just as in electronics, cars and other retail items some carry a higher price tag because of the name. Only you can make the choice but there are many things that can help you.
I'm all for a good mix. There are quality guns that don't cost a fortune. I shoot a Weatherby Vangaurd during deer season and I got it for $390 brand new. I guess I could have saved and got a higher end rifle, but it would have taken away from other purchases and the Vangaurd works just fine. So a nice balance of quality and quantity are what I shoot for. I don't want just one custom gun and nothing else. By the same token I don't want a house full of NEF Handi rifles and Hi-Points, though I have nothing against them.
I would take quality over quantity. I would much rather get (as an example) 1 very nice gun a year than say, 2 that were not as nice.
I admit to owning a few "cheaper" guns that I have lots of fun with. However, if had to choose between quality and quantity I'd pick quality and overall my collection reflects that. Most of the guns in my collection are quality made and if not absolute top shelf are close to it. Still, I enjoy having a wide variety of different types to shoot. I also enjoy simply owning some that I rarely if ever shoot like my Luger for example.
Actually it's the opposite WYOman...it was attributed to Stalin, where when his generals kept talking about the quality of the German troops the Russians were facing said "quantity has a quality all its' own".
Making a silk purse ...

from a sow's ear is very compelling to me, and it gives me great satisfaction to restore a "hopeless" car, motorcycle ... or firearm, to like-new or very serviceable condition. For example, I took apart a rusty old Sterling .22---which has a sterling reputation (that you for recognizing the clever pun) as being unreliable junk---and remade many parts to more exacting standards, as well as made several design changes, such as opening up the ejection port. I took liberties that I certainly would never have taken with a "quality" firearm, and as a result, learned a heck of a lot in the process. The gun, by the way, runs like a train, and digests any ammo without a belch or hiccup. Very satisfying! And, yes, if I paid myself the sterling sum of ten dollars per hour, I could have bought a Wilson 1911 with the money I "earned." No regrets or apologies.

I'm doing the same right now to an old Honda Z-50, but that's another story ... .
Yes, quality over quantity for me, too. But sometimes to fully appreciate quality, it's good to get your hands on an old junker, roll up your sleeves, and get down and dirty a bit! :)
Quality first; depending on your particular life style that might mean good large bore sidearm, battle rifle, a carbine for the truck and a general purpose revolver.

After that I recommend parts and components to provide the logistical back-up to keep'em all serviceable and ready. Not a glamorous task but without components your unserviceable arms are mere conversation pieces.
Quality! Here is my take:
Firearms, particularly handguns, may be called upon to defend your life or that of your family. Buy accordingly, what is your life or that of a loved one worth?

Then buy a lotta ammo and practice like your life depends on it!
Buy accordingly, what is your life or that of a loved one worth?

That statement is so lame. Seriously, if your most expensive gun cost $800, someone can and will say "Well, for $200 more you can have Gun X. Isn't your life worth it?"

The fact is there are many guns that are totally reliable (ask a Hi Point owner) that don't cost $1000. If you spent $1200, then isn't your family worth $1500? If you spent $2000, isn't your family worth $2500? Really, really lame expression used by so many posters here. You're trying to shame another poster into spending more money by saying his choice in a firearm isn't good enough, by your own standards. That is so wrong. How much money does it take to show that you value the life of your family? $5000?
Quality over quantity or vice versa? It all depends on your preferences and how deep your pockets are. As you have seen in this thread most people think quality over quantity. I have to admit, a well made gun is a work of art and just feels right! But there are also people who can't go into a gun shop without buying something "new". :rolleyes:

Look in their safe and you will see a smorgasbord of guns... sometimes duplicates of the same gun in the same calibre! :scrutiny:

Me, I started out with a Ruger GP-100 police trade-in that was in very good shape and a 1911A1 that I built out of surplus parts. I had to wait 15 years before I could pony up the bucks for my "dream" gun (Sig P229) but eventually got there. I only have 5 hand guns but I'm happy with them all. Its your call, your money, your collection. Do what makes YOU happy!:D
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