Question about NFA Stuff

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As I understand it, NO. Post 86 guns can only be owned by Military, LE , or a SOT. The corperation thing only gets you around the Chief LEO having to sighn off on your Form4.

Hope this helps

And you also get out of fingerprints/pictures.

Also note that if you close the corporation, your NFA items must be transfered to yourself (on a FORM 4 w/ CLEO needed AND another $200 ($5 for AOW) transfer fee for each) or to another dealer/person/corporation on a Form 4.
If an individual or a corporation has an FFL and an SOT, they may possess post-86 machineguns. If no FFL and SOT, no dice. Just because it's a corporation doesn't mean it has more rights than an individual.

There really isn't any way to cheat the system. If you want a legal machinegun, you have to pay the inflated prices.
a corporation has an FFL and an SOT, they may possess post-86 machineguns
Not even that guarantees you can get a post-86 dealer sample. The dealer would need a letter from some government agency requesting a demonstration of a particular machinegun before the dealer can acquire it.
You could get an 07 FFL (manufacturer) and the SOT, then with a small milling machine ($500ish) you could make M16s and full auto AKs all day long from semiautos and full auto parts sets. Manufacturers can make their own machine guns, but are restricted with regards to how many MGs they can buy from overseas (I think its one of each model, with a demo letter from an LEO or military).

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