Question about the AR in this picture

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FYI, I talked to the Watch Captain not the "Chief". I called for my benefit and that of those who "know" me and are able to accept that I might actually be telling the truth. I didn't believe you could put a mag in an AR backwards. I have confirmed this for myself and passed the info on to you. You want to question my credibility, that's good for you cause it doesn't matter to me. Like I said over at APS, you go through the trouble of calling a place several times just to get the correct information and STILL there's going to be someone out there who cries BS. As for me, like I said over at APS, I've made a mental note to do my best to not load a mag backwards in my Bushmaster if I ever have to load under pressure. I suggest you do the same.
Good enough

This woman is an employee of an armed group that is going to arbitrarily enforce any one of the thousands of laws passed by pandering, knotheaded legislators who are for sale to the lowest bidder....or just wing it like in NO and do whatever the mayor and the sgt tell her with zero personal liability for her actions. Just how well trained do you want her to be?

I don't think Osama is going to show up in Marble Falls, and if he does, it will be such a surprise that only the citizens will be able to react to him, like Flight 93.

Further, FBI stats show that women LEOs are more likely to use deadly force than male officers. Guys....this looks about right to me. Some guy out of the photo may be screaming "Ma'am, I'm putting money in the parking meter as fast as I can...DON'T SHOOT!!"

Or it could be photoshopped. Who knows?
No wait, I forgot, Rabbi outed me. She's my ex-wife and I'm trying to make her look bad. Yup, I photo chopped that pic and spread it all over the net just a few days ago. Sigh, caught again. I hate it when a plan falls apart. :(


I agree she's looking mighty aggresive there with her mag in backwards and all. Here's a story you can choose to believe or not. I have a few cop relatives, I hear good cop stories now and then. This is an old one ~1970-71 I'd guess. Apparently this male and female officer team was approaching some suspect weapons drawn, things started to go wrong and the male partner got into trouble somehow, I don't remember the exact details. She points her weapon at the suspect and says, "You move and you're dead meat!" He stopped moving.
So 280PLUS, since you can track down information in Marble Falls, do you have a source for the clipping? Like I said able, Marble Falls ain't that big. It is less than 7000 people. A four hour standoff and somebody getting injured there is pretty significant news and yet nobody else has ever seen this same article, or not seemingly so. None of our Central Texas folks from the region have chimed in with insight on the article or the incident.
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