Question about worlds challenge shotgun

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Dec 24, 2002
eastern tn
A friend has an old shotgun and I just had a chance to look at it. It is stamped "worlds challenge ejector", and under that is says "choke bored".

This is just an old tip up single shot, did not even see a serial number or anything on it.

Could anyone help tell me about this thing, or what to look for and then where to go research it?

He also has an iver johnson and I found some stuff on it, but I could use some good ideas on where to research this stuff. And I figured this was the place to ask.

Thanks for any help you can offer.
My Trade Names or Crossover list does not show this particular shotgun. It does, however, sound like a shotgun that is termed "Hardware Gun". In that it was mfg'd by another company for a hardware store, individual or a U.S. Distrivbutor.

Many ofl these guns were mfg'd in the 20's & 30's by U.S. and foreign mfg's and imported. Have you taken a look under the forearm, or on the water table for any markings. Many times you'll find proof marks etc that can tell in what country it was made, and sometimes even the Mfg.

I will try and get a look under the forearm, I am still learning about single shots and did not think about poping it off.

Thanks for the advice and I will bring this thread back up when I find out something else.
I will try and get a look under the forearm, I am still learning about single shots and did not think about poping it off.

Thanks for the advice and I will bring this thread back up when I find out something else.
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