question for anyone who is in the marine corp

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Aug 13, 2004
san diego
I know that if sent over seas you cannot bring any weapons with you that are of youre own collection.. BUT i know in the older days people liek youre family could send you youre weapons. Can they still do that?? If i am sent to Iraq would my parents be able to send me a revolver or 1911??

Not Marine, but Navy checking in here (recently returned from a year over there) ... answer is no, repeat, no!
Trust me, you don't want to even bring this subject up to your c.o.c, either.
Maybe he means a corporation?

Just kidding.

I was in the Marine Corps, and no, you can not use personally owned weapons. Not that anyone is going to search you, but don't jam up your folks by letting them break a federal law to send you a pistol.

Good Luck
i know its corps. im sorry it was a typo i swear i swear !!
Yeah i didnt want to ask that question to my recruiter. i trill have around 8 months till i go to boot camp. so yeah glad i got that cleared up thanks guys!
Not only is it "Corps"'s "Marine Corps" (note the capitalized letters) and you had best learn this now beacuse it will be drilled into you soon enough.

As already stated, no personal weapons allowed. However, when I was in the USMC in the late 70's.......I had a boot Lt who had a personal 1911 that he carried with him when we went overseas, so I think there may be an exception to personal sidearms for officers.

Back then we only had 1911's, so the exception for officers might be ok as long as the persoanl sidearm is the same as that carried by the rest of the Marines.
The UCMJ does not allow personel weapons to be deployed with units. read, you will go to jail.

the guys you see with the1911 type pistols are pulling them out of a gov lockers or are spec ops. Marine Force recon etc. I have seen the exception. A Marine O with stanless 92f/M-9. But he did not seem like the type to bother with silly questions.

So i dont know were it came from. I know in the Army. I have never in three deployments seen a personally owned weapon. But I wish I could bring my sig .45 with me in Jan 2006 when I go back again.....
when i was over there i saw one or two devil dogs with glock 19's. i don't see any harm in asking your CO if you can bring one as long as it is chmabered in a NATO caliber. i know allot of folks who after seeing that whent out and bought Glock 19's after they got home, just incase.
it is up to the unit commander's descretion, but most unit commanders will say no. there is an arms trade amongst soldiers/marines over there, so if you want a side arm, you can buy one when you get in country and sell it to another soldier/marine when you leave. or you could just pick one up off a dead iraqi. either way, you'll be able to get something over there.
greasemonkey, do NOT listen to cookhj or any of these other guys ... there is a CENTCOM General Order specifically prohibiting privately owned firearms in theater (Iraq). Getting caught with one (assuming you could even procure one) would mean an Article 15 (Office Hours/CO's Mast) at the very least and could facilitate a quick end to your budding military career.
i think ill just not bring a personal side arm jsut to be safe. I want to make a career out of the Marine Corps so i dont wnat to screw anything up
Train with what they give you. My M16A2 worked just fine over there.

FWIW, even if you could get a personal weapon over there (don't even try unless you like being a non-rate), you sure as hell can't get it home.
there are many ways to get a personal weapon over there, and a precious few to get it back. while bringing it back, you'd have to be ready and willing to abandon it at a moment's notice, and i doubt the cost would be worth whatever benefits it might provide you there. when i am old and gray, i would like to have a pistol that i could tell the grandkids came to war with me, BUT, the risks of getting caught and the risks of losing a valuable firearm are not remotely worth it. if it's the round's effectiveness you're concerned about, another not-recommended but very easy solution is to bring/mail a couple boxes of JHPs. and yes, this is also a violation of a centcom order, but it's your butt either way.
people are goignt to keep tossing out articles, don't do this or that yada yada yada. look, i was over there i saw what i saw and nobody had a problem. they have rules for everything but they also have waivers and good sense. i would ask and see what they say. some co's are understanding. also, ask yourself how much your life is worth.
I looked into this last drill weekend

Most the above post are right. This is my advice. Ask if it ok. I might as an nco in a reserve unit have more leway than a MARINE. Or mabe you might have a really cool. co.

But to be honest. I never thought about . I had many other things on my mind. An m-4, is the only weapon in my life, I have fired in anger. So I would think about becoming very good with your rifle.

And may God be with you on your journey. You are a rare young man. We in the NG are not getting as many troops as we need. And a lot more are leaving us. Thank you for joining the team. The MARINES are a fantastic force. And you will have the time of your life.
Late 60's Vietnam we could bring our personal weapon and leave with it when your tour was up.

I have a son who is a career Marine and the answer is no. He just finished his 3d tour in Iraq. He said that you could get it in, but can not get it out.

My advice is to use what you are issued. I am glad that I did because in combat weapons do take a beating. Better Uncle Sams than mine.
" the NG are not getting as many troops..." Stevo, the CF Reserves/Militia have the same problem. Up here, it's a money issue. Mind you, they don't or didn't do a whole lot of training out of the Armoury when I was running an Army Cadet Corps, 20 some years ago. We were out somewhere at least once every six weeks or so. In the 6 years I was there, I saw the Regm't go on an exercise about 3 times. Lots of in Armoury training, but not enough time in the field. One shooting/winter indoc excercise they did go on, fully 1/3 of the bodies were my Cadets and a few of us big kids. The Regmt's TrgO was astounded when my tent was the last out of bed on 'go home day', but the first to be breakfasted, packed up and waiting on the road for the rest of them.
greasemonkey862002, you should likely worry about getting through the two years or so of training you're in for before you'll be sent anywhere. If you're not out running, everyday, you probably should be.
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