questions about getting started

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Feb 13, 2007
Hello all. I just bought my first handgun Ruger gp100 .357 mag and after shooting 50 rounds through it today I love it and think I'll be shooting it quite a bit. With that said 10 dollars for a box of cheap ammo (38s) could get expensive, so I am considering delving into reloading. So let the questions begin. I did read through the thread for beginners at the top of the forum but still have pleanty of more questions/concerns. First off what kind of up front costs am I looking at to get started with everything I need (probably be loading mostly 38s some 357s and nothing else at this point)? Once I have the equipment and start loading my own what kind of costs per box would I be looking at? How long does it take to get a box of 50 reloaded and ready to shoot? I guess the most important question is, IS IT SAFE to reload (or more accurately to shoot reloaded ammo)? Is this something that people get hurt doing or hurt the guns doing very often? If it is considered very risky I would rather just spend the extra money and buy factory ammo? And finally after all that, assuming I like the answers above and decide to proceed. How do I get started? What do you suggest for my situation. Looking for something good but for not a lot of money. Certainly dont need to mass produce things as fast as possible or anythign.
I'll take a couple of these.

Is it safe?
only as safe as you make it.get distracted or in a hurry and KABOOM.
..almost never happens tho.

how much money will you save?
on .357s,about 75 %,+-

up front costs.?
about 300.00. again +- depending on new vs new plus your wants and desires.

time involved per box?
hmm,I use a faster 'progressive' press than you may want to invest in,so somebody else may have a better answer,but my GUESS is 1 1/2 hours for your first few boxes.? 2 at most I"d GUESS.

also,think about skipping .38's.They will leave crud in the front of the clyinder charge holes to have to clean out,and you can use 'starting' loads if you want lower powered .357 loads.The cost between each is very litte.
The confusion saved is a LOT.imho
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