Questions about Laws

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Feb 27, 2005
I have a question regarding handgun laws. I want to buy two handguns for protection. I live in Florida but I want to have the handguns for my house in North Carolina. My plan is to carry them with me when I go to NC and bring them back when I come to FL. Is this legal, I do not want a permit for the gun also. If it is legal please tell me how am I suppose to transport them. If somebody could help me I would greatly appreciate it. THANK YOU.
For just transporting them in a car without a permit the gun/guns must be in a closed case such as a gun box or zippered gun case and ammo stored seperatly, if just for transporting the trunk is probably the best place to have them.

Would be a good idea to check local gun laws in each state in regards to transpertation of firearms just to be safe, you can find out by doing an internet search for each state or simply call local law-enforcement in the states you would be driving through.
You won't need a permit to carry a loaded handgun in your vehicle in GA. Just make sure that it's either in plain view, in the console, or in the glove box.
As stated, you can legally transport the guns between states. If you do not have a CCW, the method of transportation for each state is left up to that state and you have to meet each requirement.

Not sure what you mean by not wanting a "permit for the gun". Gun registration is not required in Florida.

However, if you get a Florida CCW, even if you do not want to carry the weapons concealed, it will solve most of your transporting problems as long as you stay out of SC. All of the states around (except SC) and including NC accept the Florida CCW. Just put the gun in a holster or gun case and take it with you.
Put the gun(s) in a locked case, in the trunk. In some states, police are told to ignore the FOPA; they will arrest you and someone else will decide whether to prosecute you or not, after they confiscate your guns and keep you and your family in jail for a day or two just for the fun of it. If you are travelling through a state where the law is tough on gun owners, the main thing is not to do something stupid that would invite police to stop you or search the car if they do. That means:

No "OFF THE PIGS" bumper stickers

No "COLD DEAD HANDS" bumper stickers

No zig-zagging from lane to lane

No running toll booths

No excessive speeding (in some places, holding to the exact speed limit means you are either nuts or drunk)

No flipping the bird to a cop

No objects in the car that would lead a cop to think you have a gun in the car; that means pistol magazines, reading magazines like Guns and Ammo, speed loaders, ammo boxes, etc.

No other illegal objects in the car that would be visible to a cop. Stash the bong or the smoky spoons in the trunk.

No blowing MJ smoke in the cops face while he is checking your drivers license.

As a general rule, put the weapons in a case, in the trunk. I know both Fl. and NC. sell ammo so there's no real reason to transport. Also if the situation developes, be honest and candid with the officer about the weapons. They are going to safeguard themselves, but having the weapons isn't a crime, providing false info may be.

I was transporting personal weapons through Utah once and had an accident. The state patrol was very cooperative with me and at my request held the weapons at their armory for me.

All that said, I would ship the weapons. It's just easier.
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